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*Edit: Added more pink glow to Rarity's inner part of her hair. I think it really helps to show how much the magic has infused itself into her.

Boy this page became Pink World detailed, but am super happy with how Cab came out.

Went back to the last panel on the first page and added Rarity's footwear so you can compare the changes.

The final leg of the drive is simple enough. No detours, no weird requests, just a young girl fighting back tears in the back seat. It is a story Cab has seen time and time again, so she doesn’t bother trying to console her passenger, even if she does feel a little bad about the apparent betrayal. And, admittedly, a little aroused.
Pulling up to the destination, the young woman is quick to pay off the fare and opens the door. Even with her ridiculous rump, the girl slides out with ease due to the purposefully widened frame, slipping through the door like butter before she hurries into the house. Cab can swear she hears the waterworks getting ready to start.




I get the feeling she’s going to go in and help her out, it you know what I mean…


Her taxi is like a mini limo now


Your art is so good man


Bigger vehicle means room for passengers who take up more space. Good thing her longer heels help reach the pedals with ease.


So rarity changed too from all the glitter?


thanks! really tried not to shy away from anything here. Though some parts I wish I had more time for, the time restriction I've set myself forces to have a more lax attitude towards details so long as the whole picture works.


Has her voiced changed and if so what does it sound like now?


absolutely, not as much as Cab who was in the full frontal seat of the glitter being blasted around, but still. Rarity is all glitz and glammer now


I did mix up the colors of her speech bubble, am imagining she's raspy/boyish like in the show, but now much more sultry.


I didn't expect the borders to glitter now. XD

Cole jones

Great job with this page I love the detail and you are right it gets a little pink world but that's a good thing love how cab looks and I feel like the glitter will make her want to help rarity somehow. Also love all the detail on changes over this story with cab, her car, and rarity just great stuff all around.


I knew. Rarity’s shoes were different compared to the 1st panel. I love the change thank you so much


it's been fun, really appreciated Cab's simple design and turning it into something minimalistic yet complex

Cole jones

Yeah I get what you mean well great job these sort of mini comics have been a lot of fun and I know this has got to be a lot of work so again great job. Also two questions one is another Nagatoro page coming this week or are you going to focus on this comic? And two I asked this before but do you think you might do mini comics based of fanfiction from other series?


Nagatoro will likely have to wait for the rest of the month, and I don't know

Cole jones

Ok makes sense that way you can focus on this comic and add more to what's happening both with characters and story. And I understand I mainly ask because I was reading some bimbofication fanfiction and some of the one shot stories could work well for a shorter comic.


Love your bimbo transformation comics hope you keep doing them


I hope some more random bystanders also get transformed


Appreciated, I've learned a lot. Pink World became very detailed at the end, and my process also very rigid. But challenging myself to do a page a day really helped loosen up my mindset to the progress, despite the fatigue being very real at times. can't believe I'm less than a week away from my goal for my personal comic-tober challenge. But also the author providing the story for me was a huge help to focus on just the art


God fuck I can't tell you how down bad I am for this. Cab really became one of the hottest girls so quickly to me haha, something about her complete lack of shame in being so naked is amazing, and I love that Rarity's carelessness caused her to get even more bimbofied herself.


Agreed, her concept was rather simple, but there's just something about it that draws one in. And am always down to further bimbofying what's there as it makes you need to rethink how to improve the design beyond just their size

Cole jones

@annon wait I don't think I heard this someone else wrote the story for this? Also yeah doing a page a day is a great challenge for yourself and I'd say you are succeeding can't wait to see how this comics ends. And I hope with longer story comics or something like the Nagatoro comic as it goes on you draw more detail with the bimbofied characters.


author is credited at the bottom page. issue is more details results in slow-down of production, it depends on what is valued

Cole jones

@annon ok I never noticed that. well in longer comics like pink world it makes sense to go more detailed either that or during a bimbo transformation or when it's during the sex scenes so people can take in the page even better.

Cole jones

Oh annon one more thing I can't wait for the next Nagatoro page whenever you get to it the comic is getting really spicy now and I can't wait to see how Nagatoro's friends change and I hope we see more details of how they change that's my favorite part of your works is the bimbofications. Also sorry if I already said this somewhere I forgot if I did so sorry.

Cole jones

Maybe if there is enough loose glitter when she is driving and with the window down.


Love seeing her naked but would love to see what her bimbo outfit would look like maybe streetware