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What, I can write wholesome when I want to




Wholesome bimbo is best bimbo


This is exactly what I wanted


I like how sempai takes the lead despite she's physically stronger and hit her soft spot by calling her by first name. Wholesome/10


Hehehehe I don't think anyone would be bothered considering how everyone thinks of the two.


That’s the best kind.


I think it goes without saying that this is probably my favorite thing of yours I've seen thus far. It can't be much of a surprise, after all, given the catalogue of my own writing when it comes to the bimbo fetish (decided on that username when I joined up here, I suppose) and my professed admiration for your continued improvement on expression and my taste for vanilla or wholesome material, this just hits all of my preferred beats at once. The characters feel so much like themselves and are in-character, which lends not only a great deal of legitimacy toward the story but it also adds a layer of emotional fulfillment on top of how sultry and sexy this all is. That it is vanilla and it is two characters deeply in love just grants it this grounded feeling, even as the visuals and the aesthetic give it this unreal and fantastical dimension. It all swirls together such that it feels good and nice that these two are experiencing this together and it feels all the more genuine because of how in-character they are. That they're also so expressive just adds to it, giving the heightened emotion a visual vehicle to communicate itself to the audience. It's why, much as I know some people are into it, I always find the vacant or blank looks so lacking. Emotion is a powerful thing, and being able to communicate it is important to giving character and presenting the audience with feeling. Needless to say, on so many fronts and more, all of this represents a good improvement. I know that I shall see yet more development on the art, framing and structure front and on the advancement of emotional depictions and expressionism as that's clearly where you've been working hard on. I shall also endeavor to drink this comic in and fully enjoy it as hitting my preferences when it comes to vanilla, in-character bimbofication square on the head. Feels like a real treat.

Cole jones

Perfectly put my man. Also I can't wait for the other girls to show up I feel like they will walk in on these two during sex and either tease them for finally going this far or ask to join in or ask to be made hotter like Nagatoro and maybe senpai refuses but they get the pen and the club president to draw them. Maybe something like that or they could trick senpai or the club president in order to get them to draw them more bimbofied.

Cole jones

Another great page. Annon your on a role with this comic I can't wait for more of it. And I can't wait for the other girls to show up and get bimbofied I hope that starts soon. Edit: also yeah this is a very wholesome page they aren't having sex they are making love.

Cole jones

Hey annon I just thought of something where are they? Are they at one of their houses, the art clubroom, or some new little hangout or hiding spot senpai found?


I don't think anyone will complain, this is great !


Was hinted in the first page of Nagatoro saying ''Thought I wouldn't check out your new place?''. I tried my best to imply that Senpai moved out on his own as this is taking place past the show timeline


Yeah, that kind of thing is just a smart writing decision. In the manga, Naoto's in his final year anyway so it's a pretty easy way to time jump the story forward to not only create the distance for them to be fuckin', but also to not have to dea with potentially writing around Naoto's parents, which saves some time in not having to exposit that away.


Appreciate it, am glad to see you enjoying it, thought this page might hit the spot. It's interesting as I have the key plot points figured out, but how the characters act to get from point C to D comes quite natural as you let the scene play out in your head first. Also just goes to show how solid the characters are themselves, just like in MLP, they're easy to envision how and why they'll react a certain way as their desires and needs are quite clear. It's true about the expressions, but like you said it's about preference. The most difficult aspect to that are the bimbo lips, they are much more difficult to handle and show their fullness with so much stretching. But it's also a great brain exercise to mold shapes around, and also luckily the anime style here provides an easier way of approach as to just drawing the lines of the lips around without needing to feel grounded in a more realistic look that often is the bane of expressions. And your feedback as also been valuable to get an insight on what works and what to stick to and improve on.

Cole jones

Oh ok that explains it though it would make things harder for writing the other girls in if I had to guess they show up to tease senpai or because they saw Nagatoro coming there and they walk in on them making love. Yeah what artorius said it was a pretty good decision makes senpai's parents not have to be in it and makes it so they are old enough and far enough in there story to be at this point.


Oh I've definitely imagined that the lips have been the biggest part of why drawing bimbos as expressive has been hard. With how big they can get in your drawings, giving them expressive lips and mouths probably does really itch against an artist's brain when trying to make it also look good/feasible. I do think that sometimes the sacrifice in that direction is worth it, especially when working in a 2-D medium, as I think we've seen from the past few comics you've done that people can be infinitely forgiving of big, full lips being a bit stretchy for the sake of maintaining expression. However, as you said, it's about preference and you as the artist should be able to express that preference as well. If they just don't feel well realized or handled to you in certain cases then you shouldn't push it. Though I would still reckon with pushing the line and experimenting with making big, pillowy lips expressive in the future, if I might make a suggestion for when you find that unsatisfying? If you don't feel like you can satisfactorily, to your vision, make the lips expression, then I think another good technique or experimentation might be to move that expressionism and emotion to other parts of the face. Can't communicate a big, dopy smile or an amused expression on the lips without it looking weird? Then as the saying goes, the eyes are the mirror into the soul. Even wrinkles on the nose, different furrowing of the brows, or other slight movements of the face might give you avenues to really *pop* expressions in places where the mouth might feel too constrained by the lips for your liking. And yeah, it's part of why I've only written for franchises I really like or am familiar with. It's so much easier to write vanilla/wholesome bimbo stories for this stuff and maintain a character's characterization when you feel familiar with them and know them, which can help maintain that emotional fulfillment and the legitimacy of the characters on top of the sexy aesthetic. And yeah, you were not wrong about this hitting the spot. Like I said, I think this content might be my favorite of all the stuff you've produced so far and I've been happy to see other people respond to it so well, too. You've definitely earned it with the practice you've done on expressionism and comic structure and it's just nice to see a nice wellspring of support for vanilla/wholesome content, on top of it being well done and just hitting such good notes.