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''Pinning the headdress around with a flourish before tying it around her head. The movement sends more glitter up into the air, of course, which is quick to make its way into the front seat. Cab gags as a bit gets on her face and in her mouth, running her tongue over her lips. She glances in the mirror noticing that there is a bit of sparkle lingering to her kissable lips. Pursing them a few times, the pink-haired cabbie shakes off the appreciative thoughts and focuses on the task at hand.

Following the fat-bottomed girls on the motorbike, and making this backseat brat pay for getting glitter everywhere.''




Keep up the good work, glad you’re challenging yourself but don’t work too hard


gotta be honest it's really not something feasible what I'm doing, am also behind on box requests. but being at the half-way mark soon is quite motivating


For sure it’s nice to look at but just don’t want you to over work especially after all your hard work on Pink World. Don’t be afraid to break if you need to, I know you said this was a personal challenge for the month but it’s okay to admit you can’t do it if you need to, no one will be upset lol. Good luck though


I can imagine, it these comic pages seem like they take a lot of work to get just right such that they convey the necessary emotions and the beats. It'll definitely be good to slow down whenever you feel like you've sufficiently challenged yourself, but the practice you're getting in the meantime is paying a lot of dividends not just here but in other aspects of your artwork. Just be wary of burnout, Lord knows I know how that can effect even work you're being paid to do.


Does Rarity steal Dale Gribble's pocket sand move ?


Your work on this is really impressive. Though your own traditional style is far sexier, the way that you go about blending it with this cartoonish one is so interesting and expertly done. Looking forward to the sexier elements of this, but definitely appreciating the lighthearted stuff. Your art is so dang amazing!


Burnout is a real threat yes, but also more of a concern is the physical toll it takes on the body sitting for so many hours. Haven't had proper time for self-care, but I'll make sure to go back to the gym the very moment I'm done with this. It's still insane to me how manga-artist can manage 19 pages a week


appreciated, the benefit of switching style is so that I can focus on the core of drawing, making sure the shapes chosen are symmetric when turned and fit together. Having drawn only in my own style and not enough time to study anatomy and draftsmanship has hempered my artistic growth. Am hoping to catch up now that my priorities have straightened


Manage feels like a strong word given some of the horror stories you hear out of Shonen Jump. Though, thankfully, it seems like the really successful ones are able to get assistants to start helping them with the workload.


Queen reference