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He has just to draw her bigger and everything will be ok


yaay I'm really enjoying this one


This comic is really good. Does it already have a set number of pages or should it go as long as you want?

Cole jones

I'm hoping that all the positive feedback will convince annon to make the comic longer then they originally planned.

Cole jones

I get the feeling that senpai will draw her more bimbofied soon to help her be able to have sex. Either that or the other girls will walk in soon to see this.


Mmm this is fantastic stuff. Hehehehehe... guess he made hismelf too big for her.


Hoping they find a good way to make this better for the both of them


Ah, this page is so great. There's the choice in panels being depicted here that creates a good amount of tension here as the page goes on, showing the increasing the difficulty and the building tension going on here. The expression work is great, with Senpai's frustrated sympathy realizing just how scared Nagatoro is by pushing herself so far to what I will genuinely describe as a heartbreaking look on Nagatoro's face. There is so much there, from discomfort to worry to frustration. She's terrified and it's easy to see on her face, but it's not even being scared of the situation. You get the sense from how desperately she's trying to continue that, as this point, she's scared of looking bad or not looking like her usual confident self in front of Naoto. Naoto shows a lot of his growth from the manga too in that he quickly comes to realize this rather than feels lost about it. It's a good showcase for these characters that feels like the kind of situation they could accidentally get themselves into. It'll be nice to see how this conflict advances and resolves, as it adds a really sweet energy between the two.


thanks again, yeah it's really easy to write the characters, almost like MLP. Some Shows just have these characters you quickly get to understand in and out. Perhaps due to their charming simplicity yet still providing many facades