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And here it is, the final page!

- It's hard to believe I had this ending in mind almost at the start of the comic that was supposed to only be 15-20 pages. I wanted to wrap it up quickly and go back to commissions for income, but I never anticipated that Pink World would get so much support as to allow me to spread my wings and expand upon it and time to focus my skills and delivering better quality. 

I've always wanted to make a living doing comics, and the fact that I've been able to do that for almost a year now has been indescribably fulfilling.

While it's scary to let go of Pink World and to start on new projects, I'll just answer what I'm sure many have on their minds.

- What caused the world to go Pink? In the beginning I had no idea, it was never the point of the comic. Just wanted to give the Main Six a full bimbofication process in a comic-format they deserved. But through your choices in the polls, a plot has developed in the background as to why only Twilight and Spike remember among their friends. 

And to that I say that an Epilogue is the plans to be made that will tie it all together. It is however a very ambitious epilogue due to how complex the designs have gotten. I'd like to improve my art on the side first before I even attempt to tackle such a thing. For now, I'd like the Pink World comic here to be it's very own stand-alone.

- If your support stays around, I have more big projects in mind, but for now I'd like to take a break from big scale projects and focus on smaller more manageable comic pieces such as the Nagatoro Comic with more of the cast involved. More pages of that will be made this month already so look forward to that.  

I'm attaching a smaller PDF version here, as well on all the pages collected together here


+ Huge Zip File full resolution

That's all from me. Thanks again for reading and your support. I'll go out celebrating with a drink.




This comic was absoloutely amazing and one of my favourites of your works. I can't wait to see what you make in the future my guy


What a great journey this was. Congratulations Annon, this is your Magnum Opus!

Jackie Matsushita

It’s been awesome to follow the development of this comic over the months. This really has been your crowning achievement thus far as an artist. It’s bittersweet knowing it’s over but I’m excited for whatever else you do in the future. I’d love to see you do another long form comic in the future. I think a similar bimbofication story involving either MHA or DC characters would be cool


This comic has been amazing from start to finish, and while it may never be easy to end something great, you’ve given this a perfect ending. Here’s to whatever else you decide to do, keep up the awe inspiring work!

Bennett Billard

Did Rarity get all 5 of them their own drama/fainting sofas?

Martin McNeal

I honestly look forward to the Epilogue you have in mind and thank you so much for making such an amazing comic and letting us (your fans) help decide how the girls will change


Easily a masterpiece; this will be remembered as one of if not the best bimbofication comics ever released.


Hot damn dude. Yeah, this is easily going to be remembered as a lynchpin of bimbofication comics because it's so fuckign good and the designs you made for everyone were delightful.


I hopped on this Patreon a month or 2 before Pink world started. I was pulled in from you're works on Persona, Dc, Marvel, and My Hero. I've never had any opinion on MLP as I've never watched any of it. Really goes to show how amazing you're Pink world comic/project was that even a non-fan like me could really come to enjoy it. I'm gonna miss it but can't wait for the next project! Super big congrats Annon. You deserve the growth you've been getting. Don't rush and take your time so you're good and ready for the next big project. Don't let burn out sneak up on ya!

Theo Winters

I truly love this comic, and how it's gone. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do next!


I love the conclusion... it's pure acceptance of this new way of life... no resisting or complaint... just give in to the desire we all want... and there is no shame about it as it should be.

Cole jones

Hard to believe how much this comic has grown and it's weird to see it end but I'm excited to see what comics you make especially what comics you make based on other series. And I hope future comics grow like this one starting out as just a couple pages but growing into many more.