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Would really like to look into more winter outfits as the months get colder. It's a much more gear turning task, bimbo design on hard-mode. It's really interesting how you can play around with the teasing curves underneath all the cloth.




I really like the winter outfit and the One you did for twilight a couple of years ago. I can't wait to see more. They are some of my favorites.


I for one would love to see more of this, I’m a huge fan of the teasingly tight variety of style visible in winter wear


gotta thank the original mlp bimbo writer, they provided multiple references, I just picked and chose. but just goes to show there's plenty to explore and sexify


See thru and remain warm... that is one hell of a cloth!


Wonder how principal Celestia would dress in winter. Seeing how she normally goes around almost naked anyhow.

Martin McNeal

Makes me wonder what Fluttershy would wear with her level of sensitivity