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Most votes is tallest



Scoots is always the tallest I’d like to see someone knew. Not throwing shade but sometimes it feels like people are voting and just giving girls features or the like they “normally” have. Mix it up folks have some fun with the comic being a chance to try new looks or body styles for certain girls

Martin McNeal

So good thing if Sweetie is in last, with her being the shortest of the group she could basically be carried around by Spike as a personal fuck-toy

Martin McNeal

Has Scootaloo's bimbo form been done yet?

Cole jones

Hey first are you going to draw Scootaloo? Second will we be seeing these three in the comic maybe after spike has had sex with all the other girls?

Martin McNeal

So Scootaloo is the smallest, followed by Sweetie Belle and finally with Applebloom being the tallest of the CMC. Thinking Applebloom would be about a head shorter than AJ but that's just me