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Some real change in the atmosphere, I think this might be my favorite page yet

You voted for the biggest Spike but with remembering, so here you finally get him

Here's the accumulation of all your choices made, so drink it in even if there's still a bit more to go!




Now that's a morning I want to have. Also, yes, love how it's a trial and ritual that it turned out in the end. X3


Rainbows titties are so hyuuge

Martin McNeal

I wonder if Spike will be lucky enough to see what Rarity promised him


The lighting change is wild


Well as this nears the end just want to say I LOVED this comic. I can't wait for whatever comes next. The constant little changes throughout this story were amazing. Many of them I didn't pick up the first time but only subsequent viewings. Truly a spectacular comic. Kudos to you.


God DAMN this is amazing. I mean personally the Spike's a bit past my limit on musculature, but it's certainly not taking away from the art or the girls.


I understand, the goal was to try out the limits I could go myself, and the voting was a great oppurtunity


Glad to hear, felt there was so very little of that around, so glad to be making a change


This has been quite the journey, I’m so glad I was able to be a part of it! Congratulations once again

Cole jones

I gotta say the shading is a little weird to look at but I like it and spike is really damn muscular now his head almost looks to small for his body. I do hope as the girls wake up we see them stand up and get full body shots to show how they fully look.

Jackie Matsushita

Love how all we can see of AJ is her huge ass lol