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Will be made public on easter




Wait... we can track the speed of twerks?!


This is both very hot and very funny


It's the true reason we as a species have pursued science this far.


There's a lot here to like in terms of the composition and the little details you include to really sell the motion. Velvet's hair taking up a similar shape to her ass as, presumably, the strands of it are being bounced up and down by it are very cool! Velvet's posture is very fitting and the perspective on a lot of it is fantastic! I will say though that the way her strands of hair stay so clumped up together does feel very artificial and kind of saps the energy and movement out of them. Not saying that every strand should be drawn out individually but breaking up the hair here a bit more would've sold it well (and even could've included a gag where there's only really one clump of her hair that's pressed together like this and it lines up with her crack) I also applaud the attention to shape on the ball, and even the attention to her having a reflection in the glass! It's a good piece that comes together really solidly.


I really love the workout series of bimbo RWBY