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And that's all the commissions that could be made this month and still got some left to finish.

Turns out working normal amount of hours isn't enough to keep up with the demand that was otherwise possible to do each month. Am unsure how to tackle this going forward. 




These are really good character designs. I wish I knew who helped come up with them. I really like the body type diversity. Has anyone done any stories for them? Also way is Homura Patron exclusive?


Oh my bad. Must have missed her.


Hey. Original commissioner here. Just gonna say character design was like 90% Annon's work. I made a small number of notes, but you've really got to hand it to the artist on these. And to my knowledge, nobody has done any story work. I just had a vague idea and ran with it. If anyone wants to write something, they have my blessing, for what it's worth.


@kanoyume I would still love to pick both your and Annon's brain on it. Like what was the reasoning/ idea behind the features of each girl. I also really like the direction you guys went with for the just about everyone's costumes. They actually fit the characters better than their modified normal outfits.


Honestly, on my end it was mostly a matter of having a feel for the characters, and I feel like the original designs from the show were pretty good at expressing those. And I also love body type diversity. My biggest note was that Madoka had to be larger than glasses Homura, yet smaller than cool Homura. Other than that, I feel like Annon knocked it out of the park with his first ideas. As for the costumes, between the various games and seasonal merchandise, the characters have had a number of different official Halloween costumes. I just trawled through the official art and found the ones I felt best matched the characters. Hope that answers your questions somewhat.


Don’t feel bad about not feeling like the time worked out, if you personally had more free time then it’s fine


Well you could do scaling commissions? What I mean is that Your regular slots 1 through however many you choose cost X amount. If people want something after that they need to either resubmit next month or pay a premium of X + amount. That should cut-back on commissions a bit while still giving everyone a chance to get one along with not pricing anyone out. And those who really really want one immediately can still get one.


It kind of does. Not as much as I hoped it would, but nevertheless.


I prefer you get slower and manage your health instead on drawing in hurry like you used to do.