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*Edit: forgot AJ is tanned at this point. left the original so you can see the difference

Some of you have really been wanting to see AJ again, and am happy to say she’s been nicely developing those fat cakes offscreen.

Current commission batch is now finished, awaiting the ok before posting the last one. Commissioners for the next batch have been contacted.

Alright that’s all I could do for this week. Will be taking the weekend off. No clue what to do with all that extra time aside from exercise. Box request poll tomorrow however is still happening.




will you reserve a week to finish this comic? or at least crank out pages?


Am trying to work on the comic whenever there is a window open, while awaiting reply from commissioners. Working on the comic is very, very time consuming, so putting commissions on hold would just prolong them. With Rewards coming up again in 2 work weeks it's just not doable. Am Focusing on finishing the commissions. Once they're done, will make sure to reserve a month or two just to finish this comic without any interruptions.


Wow… that’s quite the ass… and it’s not even done growing is it?!


Then she’s going to need a specially made chair just to sit! ,’:0

Cole jones

I notice the table for snacks and drinks has now changed into a table full of sex toys. Nice detail for showing how the world around them is also changing.

Cole jones

Then that makes it kinda funny seeing popcorn in the middle of all those sex toys.