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Some Prelude Illustration for 4th July!

Commissioner's Note

The 1940’s was a epic time in America history that included leaving the Depression and the official start of the NBA  

But it’s most famous known for World War 2! The war had been brewing for years America tried to stay out but favored the Allies over the Axis. After the Pearl Harbor bombing on December 7 1941 we entered the war in full force.  

 Literally millions of solders joined to fight. with so many men gone women stepped up to fill the empty roles, and that included bimbos. Rosie the riveter is a famous women icon of the time she represents the hard working women that made the ships, planes, and tanks. Women also worked hard making the uniforms for the army and in factories making food to feed the troops. 

Interesting enough this is when can food became popular like chef boyaredee.  But many women weren’t content to work at home. Many joined the armed forces. Some in communication working the radios on were to guide the troops through war torn Europe. Others joined the army, navy, and Air Force. 

Though not allowed to fight many bimbos became mascots to boost moral of their troops.   Then of course their was the nurses taking care of the wounded on the front lines and often falling in love with the patients. 

Many a love story stared in a medical tent.  The ones with the most dangers were the spies. Some bimbos would attempt to seduce the axis out of important information. Others would just act as a obvious distraction while non bimbo spies got the real info.  A thousand war stories could be told about the men and women on both sides but we don’t have time for every one sadly.  Computers became essential for code breaking and would eventually lead to the modern computer. But not every invention was good, the atomic bomb that ended the war is still a hotly debated topic. 

And while the U.S. shows themselves as the heroes we had our own crimes with the Japanese interment camps. Thousands of Japanese Americans were removed from their homes and placed in camps afraid they would defect to Japan. It is often overlooked because next to the nazi camps they were nothing. 

But still many Japanese descended citizens and bimbos were striped of their pride, but many stayed loyal to America despite the inhuman humiliation.  It was a time of great patriotism. Clothing was simple because almost all clothes, metal, and everything else was going to the War effort.

 Some times this led to trouble with the zoot-suit riots (people wearing extravagant suits while everyone else was scraping by. Got in a fight with a soldier exploded from their)  After the war solders and bimbos returned home. 

Their was much cleaning up to do but America was the hero of the hour. everyone was proud to be a American. American became closely involved with the rest of the world to help rebuild. They would need that cooperation and patriotism because as the decades moved on they had to deal with the Cold War. 




These are just great to read. =D