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Twilight wasn't kiddin when she said she could help her add more on top. 

Years in the future, she's just kept maturing, and now not shy at all about her sexual nature. In fact she's just as direct as Rainbow Dash now in her own way believe it or not.

If she sees a strained tent, she'll be the first to give a show by strutting over and take care of the poor thing.

And of course any kind of fabric clothing is a no-go for her now, and her fuck doll face is now fully completed. She only has rarely need to blink, and when she does, it's very slow-like.




This is perfect. She looks so utterly vacant of thought. The fuck doll face is so right for her.


Turning them into full blown goddesses...best times...

Martin McNeal

Just realized she might be taller or just as tall as Twilight now.


Nah, Twilight is still taller. Only one taller than end game twilight by just a bit might be end game celestia.

shard zerune

what do you mean end game whats this for?