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The commisioner saved their two rewards to fuse it into one picture.

Another End Game Piece. Maybe THE end game piece.

Am unsure if Twilight and Sunset in the future take over CHS as prinicpal and vice principal, while Celestia and Luna retire to be worshipped, or if this becomes a new school. 

Sunset here is by no means small, honestly, it's just Twi who's ridiculous in size by then. However was thinking since Sunset has embraced the pink fully, she could be in perfect balance with the magic as well, allowing her to go to her 3.0 daydream form at will whenever she makes out or really wants to reward a student. Of course the pleasure of such an encounter leaves the student in haze, barely remembering anything except for the feeling, like a ''day dream''.

Nude Version in the attachment.



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