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 All of the new cheerleader designs in the attachments

Cheer Captain: High Spirits
Second in Command: Northpoint
Squad Sergeants: Pizzelle, Record High
1st Team: Lilac Sky, Meadow Flower, Valley Trend
2nd Team: Spring Step, Silverspeed, Lavender Sunrise
Grunts: Orange Swirl & Sugar Twist

>High Spirits
Some people seem to think that they are the baddest bitch in school. They’re mistaken. Blending a bit of sadism into her seduction, she leads her team with charm, grace, and attitude, enjoying the act of wrapping girls around her finger. High expectations, but she never leaves any of her girls behind as long as they want to try harder. She boasts a cool, stern, but bountiful love and always goes to bat for her girls. Former delinquent, who made a turn after meeting the cheer team coach, Cheeri.

>North Point
The brains are here! Despite her fear of heights, she has an eye for performance and aesthetics. Stubborn and driven, she wants nothing more than a show that will earn her The recognition of her teammates, and the affection of High Spirits. A little shy and quiet at times, she’s working hard to become a punky cheer-slut who can lead the squad next year!

Third in command, although you wouldn’t guess it. Lives to cheer and throws herself into practice earnestly. Doesn’t really care about who is in charge, she just wants to blow some minds. Doesn’t take kindly to distractions and serves as the primary enforcer during practice. A classic bimbo, she can be a little slow if she’s not interested in something, and loves to reward skilled Wondercolt players after, or during, a match.

>Record High
The second Sergeant and Team Mom. If a girl need a shoulder to cry on, they come to her. Although The girls will probably end up buried in the soild bimbo’s impressive chest. While she won’t be flipping in the air, she is very solid. Anyone she lifts is coming down safely. A born and bred country girl who always wears a smug smile. Enjoys being dependable and helping others.

>Lilac Sky
The first of the twins. Tries very hard to be mature and stoic, but her giggly nature and wide eyes make her seem like more of a space case than a serious young woman. Likes to observe and can usually find a place to improve. Is apparently unaware of shame as a concept. Very protective of her sister.

>Meadow Flower
A pure ditz, probably from spending too much time up in the air twirling around. Despite her lack of intelligence, her reflexes are very cat-like, she can usually find a way to stick a landing. Lives to be stated at and loves the feeling of pre-performance jitters because they makeJr her wet. Has a bad habit of touching herself when she can’t string her thoughts together.

>Valley Trend
Oh. My. Gawd. You wouldn’t believe how difficult it is to be a hottie around notties! A transfer student from the sunny coasts who carries her rich bitch attitude on her sleeve. What other people want, she wants too! Struggling to find her place at CHS because she can be rather fake, inside and out, but desperately wants to fit in. Picks fights with the upper echelon of cheer-sluts to try and usurp them, but always shows up and puts her work in. Unstoppable in front of a loud crowd and handles stress very well in public. In private… just keep her happy.

>Spring Step
The other half of the twins. Spacey, giggly and sweet, she is easily distracted by just about everything. A loving type of girl, she’s very clingy with her friends and fellow cheer-sluts at every opportunity. Does not seem to feel shame for her actions. Very protective of her sister.

A smaller member of the squad, excellent for tossing into the air. She loves to spin, turn, and generally be slung about. Her hang time is exceptional, but she has had a number of bad falls as well, and the marks to prove it. A traditional, feminine type of cheer-slut, she enjoyd getting manhandled but worries that her banged up body might not be as attractive to her future lover(s) no matter how aggressive she might try to be. A little lonely since her friend quit the team, but tries to remain upbeat.

>Lavender Sunrise
An awkward girl who gets roped into helping out the cheer team. Loves performances, but is uncomfortable being front and center. Has a major focus on aesthetics and making sure things look good. Tries very hard to follow in High Spirit’s punk-cheer footsteps, but has a tendency to come off as fake and amusing rather than inspiring and intimidating. A secret and innocent romantic, gets very flustered if it gets brought up.

>Orange Swirl & Sugar Twist
Kept together as they’re inseparable, for good and for ill. The two of them are very similar, to the point where they regularly butt heads over what tasks or jobs they want to do. They can never agree on who came up with the idea to join the squad first. The youngest members of the team with the least experience, but both are very eager to learn. Their bickering is legendary, as is their teamwork, and the erotic rivalry between them. Competitive tomboys who are more than happy to be pushed around by their seniors to prove they’re the more dedicated cheer-slut. 



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