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An idea someone had on 4chan for this beauty.

Noisy News is immune to the mental change of the magic like Derpy and she investigates on the magic to get a scoop but only ends with photos of hot bods. No one believes her due to her Pigasus fake scheme. Her body starts to change, she tries to resist the sexual urges of her body but changes further. She gets desperate steal some magical changing objects as proof show them to her boss and colleagues but ends to transform the whole Canterlot daily staff.

After she changed the whole news staff, she somewhat "gives up" to expose the magic but uses what she discovered during her investigation mostly the retcon and memory alteration for her own personal gain.

Nosey's camera has been altered by the magic but didn't work like Photo Finish's one which change people physically. Its flash makes people mind vulnerable to her vocal suggestion when she interviewed them, now she can change other in the way they fit her own personal agenda and advance in her career.

Now Nosey creates her own lewd "scoop" that no ones get but she. They are not "fake news" but "retcon news".

 just wanted to explore the idea someone having the same immunity as Derpy use her "advantage" for her own personal interest.

PS: We can even make her mirror counterpart a serious investigation Journalist who tries to expose the corruption in Canterlot, a reliable ally of Derpy, both are immune to the mental effect of the magic but they have to fight the physical changes of their body.  

Has a strong desire to expose the truth to the public opinion. 




The more people are affected by the magic the more third parties beside Twilight and Celestia can appear and try to use the magic to fulfill their own interest.