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Just wanna hear if there's any preferences




I like the far left and the far right. perhaps when she walks, her hair shifts and sways as sparkles fall. but If i had to guess, I'd say the far right makes her feel more "alive"


Not really a fan of two, I think 3 gives the best proper amazing bimbo look


The 3rd one, if acts as if it was the galaxy, the pay out for this design is superb!

Bennett Billard

I have to agree on 3. It feels unified, it's very distinct from the other 2.0 styles, and I like Leland's idea of it swaying back and forth.


The first and third ones are good, the second is too close to 2.0 Marble. I vote for the third one it give the feeling it's influenced by the fact she's a pony at the origin


The 3rd one


I like the left and right ones. The right I think fits Twilight more. But I could see the left working for her, it gives a wild uncontrolled vibe. So its like the magic or that Twilight is slowly losing herself to the magic