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Just was now made aware of the new fee changes patreon has put up.  

Bringing this up  for you if you weren't aware. Can understand the mentality of the creator getting a bigger cut, but it's ultimately about the supporters. The biggest issue is without doubt for those who create cost by post.

Am very greatful for all the support thus far, and would like to create a dialogue about this. 

But there's a lot of talk about this at the current moment, so will keep a close eye on it  should this follow through and make adjustments to this if necessary.



I just find it an odd coincidence that, Patreon decides to make this change when net neutrality seems to be back up on the chopping block again...


Haven't thought of that being connected. The next few weeks should be interesting to keep an eye on.


A lot of artist do not like this at all. It's hurting those who have multiple pledges and pay more than just $1 pledges.