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Just a quick lil update to firstly apologise for releases being a bit slow this month so far! All the mods are done, I'm just waiting on a few upscales - my team is pretty busy with irl stuff and other commitments atm.
There are still 4 mods to go in February, and they will all come! Next one should hopefully be ready within the next couple days or so. If not, I might release it without a body or two to start with.
Same might be the case for the other remaining mods, as we're halfway through the month and I really don't want to cram everything into a tiny time window! So yeah some might be initially released without all the bods. Just a little heads up!

Secondly, I am retiring True+ from my roster. I've already made a post about why I've been considering it, and the attached poll results were pretty much in agreement. Out of way over a 100 votes, only 5 people actually use it. And I just wanna say - I DO APPRECIATE THE 5 OF YOU! But realistically, the time investment is clearly not paying off.
With this, I won't have to crunch so much to do all the 5 monthly mods. It will allow me a couple extra days to really polish things. I've also been wanting to go back and redo some of my older mods, but I never have the time, so this might give me the opportunity to do so. I hope this news isn't too upsetting!

Thank you for reading & for the continued support! 



If you get the urge, I know a lot of people that would like your cute outfits in TBSE/Slim/whatever! ♥


i'd love to, but currently i'm already barely affording to pay for upscaling to the current bodies i'm including, and i dont have time / energy to do it myself QwQ