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Hello everyone!
I am once again considering changing up the tiers - don't worry, it won't be a price increase.
Let me start by saying that I originally made the Spiced Macchiatos tier as more of a donation tier for those who would like to support me more and can afford it. When I first thought of creating it, it wasn't going to have any extra rewards over the other tiers. However, a friend advised me that it'd be better to give a reward for showing such support, and I eventually decided on including the special poll outfit. I'd also put it up on Kofi so that people wouldn't feel like they HAVE TO pay £30 just for that outfit if they really liked it.
Something that I didn't consider however, is that this would cause some poeple to feel... scammed. I don't price my one-off purchase mods higher than £7, which means that it'd be cheaper to sub to Hazelnut Lattes and then buy the extra mod on Kofi, rather than subbing to Spiced Macchiatos. But some people would go for the Patreon tier assuming it's probably the cheaper option to get all my outfits, only to then realise that they couldve gotten it for less the other way. I admit I didn't think of this happening, and when it was brought to my attention, I felt extremely bad. Again, I wanted this tier to be something for those who don't mind throwing extra at creators they love, not a tier people might feel forced to sub to and then feel cheated by it.
Another thing is that the current Hazelnut Lattes rewards are also something I'm not enjoying anymore. It was also a tier idea suggested by someone - you get the outfits from the previous tiers, plus a couple of hairs/shoes/accessories. At first that was fun, but I got to a point where I struggle finding good shoes and hairs to port (still can't make shoes from scratch, tho I plan to learn soon™). On top of that, it seems like not many people are that interested in those to start with.

So I've come up with a way to resolve both these issues - remove the extra outfit rewards from the Spiced Macchiato tier, and move them down to Hazelnut Lattes. They would in turn replace the accessories etc. All the Hazelnut rewards released thus far would still remain available, I just wouldn't make any more (at least not regularly, I might still release a hairstyle here and there) and do the extra outfits instead. Therefore now the tier would include 5 outfits a month. If these changes are put in place, I'll do another poll to see if y'all would like me to still keep that extra outfit vaulted or if you'd rather have it in YAB.
As for the Spiced Macchiatos tier, I'm not sure if I'd keep it as a support tier like I originally intended, or unpublish it altogether. I'm open to suggestions on that as well.
Phew. Sorry for the wall of text, I just wanted to explain as well as I could. Now I pass the question on to you - are you happy with the current tier structure, or do these changes sound better? Feel free to leave a comment with more insight, I'd love to hear your opinions.
Thank you for the continued support! ♡



Speaking as somebody who joined yesterday and went through the *exact* thought process described above - yes, the proposed change strikes me as a very good idea.


Sometimes (99% of the time) I just don't *think* lmao. Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated!


Hahaha I totally understand - that, or thinking too *much* to the point that a gloriously complex idea can obscure otherwise simple issues. More power to you for realizing this and changing accordingly. I just upgaded to Hazelnut Lattes, something I had angrily refused to do when I first figured out how the old tier system worked just a couple of ays ago - consider it a sign of appreciation for you making the right call!