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Howdy! First of all, we reached 300 patrons!!! I can't even find words to describe how grateful I am to you all!! Thank you all so much for choosing to subscribe to me!

Now for the actual announcement. After long and careful consideration, and being shouted at by my friends, I have decided to introduce some tier changes. As things are at the moment, turns out I'm earning way below what I should be. I'm sorry if it makes me sound greedy, but it's the truth - this is my only source of income, and the living cost continues to go through the roof. If I continue on the same trajectory, I will soon be unable to afford my electricity and heating bills. Not to mention the costs of software and assets required to do what I do.
That being said, I know that this is the situation many of you guys in are as well, so I don't want to increase my prices too drastically. I figured adding more tiers is a good way to go about this. The changes I had in mind are as follows:
- Hazelnut Lattes, which is my tip tier, will be removed. Mostly just to clean things up. No one subscribes to this tier anymore, so it's just clutter at this point.
- White Choc Mochas will receive 2 outfits a month instead of 3, and I will move my newer vaulted releases to higher tiers. They will still have access to a few older vaulted mods though!
- Raspberry Cappuccinos will receive 3 outfits a month and keep their voting power. They will also have access to vaulted outfits. The chance to model for previews will be removed, mostly because I don't think it's fair. There are so many of you subbed to this tier, I'll never be able to include everyone.
- New £14 tier will be added which will receive 4-5 outfits a month, plus voting power.
- New £18 tier will be added. It will have access to everything from previous tiers + accessories, hairstyles and shoes, which will be vaulted.
- Lastly I will add a £30 tier, meant to be a donation tier for those who would like to support me more. It will have access to all the things from previous tiers, and as a thank you it will also receive an exclusive vaulted mod every month - I will aim to make it an outfit, but if I'm too busy it may be an accessory or hair.  

These changes would go in effect sometime during January - I am going away for a holiday on Friday and will be back on the 5th of January, so I won't be able to set everything up for the start of the month. And since you are now charged at the date you subscribed, and not the 1st of the month, I think it's alright to delay the tier changes a bit - but please let me know if you'd rather I waited till February, since that's an option as well!

Again thank you all so much for all your support thus far, it means the world to me! I hope you can understand where I'm coming from. 

Oh, and of course - I hope you have wonderful Holidays!



For all the work you do, adding new tiers and modifying the existing ones is totally understandable <3 Enjoy your break! :hug:


Ahh tysm that's very kind of you to say QwQ Throwing a hug right back at ya!! <3


You have to pay yourself what you are worth, and since you're priceless in all that you do, perhaps a small increase is overdue.


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA omg that's the sweetest thing i've ever heard TwT thank you so much !! <3


Your works are awesome! Likely I'll try to take 18 or 30 tier when it will be released. P.s. would be great if some patreon ideas could also be released. Like voting from top patreon ideas or smth.


Ahhhh thank you! That sounds like a good idea, maybe I’ll try to setup a discord channel for the top patrons to vote on stuff or something 👀