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First of all: THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR OVER 200 PATRONS!!! I couldn't believe my eyes when I first saw this happened, I thought it would take me years to get to this point, but here we are only few months in... I'm truly so grateful for each and every one of you who made this dream come true! THANK YOU!

Second of all, I decided I will be making some changes to the current tiers. These changes are not set in stone yet - I would like to have y'all's feedback on them, if there's anything you disagree with, I'm open to revisions!
- Hazelnut Lattes will become a tip tier, meaning it will no longer receive any mods. There are a couple reasons why. This tier only exists because of a mistake I made early on (I'm Dumb). There are very few of you subscribed to it any more as well, which shows that interest in it is almost non-existent.
- White Choc Mochas will basically remain as is - 3 mods a month. But that's it. You may have noticed I normally release around 5, which goes over the promised amount. This will no longer be the case for this tier. Instead, any extra releases will now go to...
- Raspberry Cappuccinos! I feel like this tier needs some more rewards. At the moment, the only extra thing is a chance to be featured in previews. I decided to show some extra appreciation, this tier will now get 4-5 mods per month! Additionally, I will also start doing polls to let you vote for the monthly port. 

I wanna be transparent about the reason for these changes. Comparing my Patreon to those of other modders, I realised I may have undervalued myself a bit with the tier prices. Getting 5 mods a month for £6/$9 is unheard of. That's why I decided to stick with the guaranteed 3 for that tier, and move the extras to the £10/$14.50 tier, as I feel that's a bit more fair.
With all that being said however, as I mentioned earlier: I'm open to suggestions. If you guys feel like these changes are not in fact fair, please let me know! 

Once again, thank you all for the support and for reading this!



Hey Alee, i just wanted to thank you for your contribution to the modding community with your amazing quality mods. Personally the country i live in has high inflation rate and sadly the exchange rate between my native currency and dollar is really, really high. So i would be happy if you were to keep the tiers as it is, and i am sure there are tons of people like me who is subbed to you! But that is just me being selfish honestly. I will support your decision of changing the tiers/raise the prices. Also thank you for asking your subscribers about and being completely transparent.


Thank you for your feedback and the kind words! I completely understand the inflation being bad, it's honestly kinda bad everywhere rn, the cost of living crisis has reached my country as well, which is partially the reason for this change too, as this is my only source of income. But I will definitely take a note of what you said and I'll think of maybe a different way of adjusting the tiers!


Hello Alee, You're one of my cheapest sub. So yes it's totally understable to raise the prices with the quality of your work. Good work need to be well paid, or at least to be paid at the right price.


Thank you so much! ;w; You're too kind! And thank you for your understanding!


Alee, Thank you sincerely for your hard work and dedication. I'd not feel bad about charging a little bit extra when there are certain other modders now charging 20 bucks a month for one hair and one outfit.


Thank you for your kindness & understanding! 🖤 I think I know exactly which modders you’re talking about lmao, I know a certain one like this who doesn’t even publish ANYTHING some months… But anyway yes imo that’s way too much for the amount of mods!