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You Need to Destress…

You've been having a hard time managing all of your responsibilities lately. Luckily, your roommate comes home just in time, with a solution in mind.

About the File

This file is intended for adult listeners who identify as male. No pronouns are used. Words used to describe the listener include: roomie, sweets, sweetheart, good little worker bee, sweetie, baby, good boy, sweet boy, slave

The listener is penetrated during this file. The words "hole" and "ass" are used to describe their genitalia.

This file may not be friendly for all trans audiences. Listen at your own discretion.

This is a genuine hypnosis file designed to guide the listener into a deep trance. There is no prior discussion of permission or consent. Your consent is your responsibility. You will also be responsible for your own aftercare. I have a general aftercare file available if needed.

File Content

Your roommate Luke arrives back at your shared home, ready to unwind. You've been feeling overwhelmed by stress and have a strange urge to go to him. He convinces you to cuddle and sympathizes with you. There is a subtle indication that some gaslighting or manipulation could be happening. Despite your stress, you somehow can't help but relax into Luke's arms. Soon, the feeling of your bodies so close together seems to bring some memories to the surface. You are pulled into a vague, hazy flashback, in which you remember some of your past programming. This triggers you to sink down further into a genuine trance, as your training has become strong enough to further itself automatically. After a little while, Luke takes advantage of your deep trancelike state to continue developing his programming of you. He reinforces the cycle that has been causing you stress: an increasing feeling of lethargy and low stamina, which builds anxiety, which triggers a need to find Luke so that he will help you destress. Upon destressing (being hypnotized), you forget that this is a cycle that continuously occurs. This cycle encourages you to become more and more dependent on him, but also to become more aroused by the fact that it is happening. As the trance continues, it is revealed that this method of "destressing" includes you automatically stripping your clothes and sinking yourself onto Luke's cock, in addition to the hypnotic mindlessness. While deep in trance, and deeply seated on Luke's cock, you remember your secret words. You also realize some other things you've forgotten, such as the sexual neediness that continues to get stronger, that you're being programmed to become more horny and mindless anytime you're at home, etc. Once Luke has finished this current dose of his programming, he pulls you off of his cock and suggests that you take a nap, giving you the opportunity to forget everything once more.


I would recommend not listening to this file habitually. Give yourself affirmations that contradict some of the more negative suggestions in this file. Your unconscious mind always has the power to reject and let go of any suggestions that are not right for you. I have bolded the suggestions below that I feel should be the most contradicted with affirmations.

Suggestions in this trance:

  • when Luke pets your hair, it helps you relax
  • stress can cause exhaustion that builds unless you release it
  • you can get tired more quickly
  • getting tired triggers the need to go to Luke
  • cuddling intimately with Luke triggers memories of your programming
  • remembering your programming causes you to sink into trance
  • your body knows it belongs to Luke
  • you don't like thinking
  • you obey Luke
  • obeying means you don't need to think
  • you can be sleepy
  • you can feel safe with Luke
  • you weren't made to work so hard
  • you need Luke's hypnosis and programming
  • it's easy to obey/submit
  • you belong in trance
  • you crave being in trance for Luke
  • Luke is your Master
  • you gain strength from serving
  • you are healed by submitting
  • you need to obey/surrender/submit/serve etc
  • your programming has become automatic and self-fulfilling
  • you unconsciously look for ways to further your programming
  • you unconsciously look for ways to trigger your programming
  • going through the cycle of your programming feels good and brings pleasure
  • it feels good and brings pleasure to be reshaped and changed by Luke
  • Master belongs inside you
  • you lose conscious awareness while being penetrated by Master
  • you need Luke's cock and programming more and more often
  • you don't need to consciously remember your secret words
  • you don't need to consciously remember Luke's hypnosis
  • Master owns pleasure
  • Master needs your pleasure
  • you always feel sexually needy
  • you seek sexual stimulation without conscious awareness
  • you are incapable of orgasm without Master's permission
  • you don't feel comfortable with having guests over
  • your home is a safe place to let go
  • your home is a safe place to feel sexually needy and mindless
  • your home is the only safe place to feel sexually needy and mindless
  • you are strong to the world, and weak to your Master
