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Edit: I have found my volunteers (who will be receiving messages shortly). If you are interested but didn't get the chance to volunteer, feel free to comment and I will consider you first for any future beta requests. Thank you!

Hello! I am looking for 1-3 beta listeners for one of my next files. If you are interested, willing to listen to a 20+ minute audio, and willing to give me detailed feedback after listening, please comment or message me! If you are not currently a paid patron and you beta for me, you will receive a copy of the finished audio upon completion.

In particular, I am looking for sound-related feedback for the in-progress mix of my Incubus Roommate file (NSFW hypnosis). This means that I am not interested in script or acting feedback.

Ideally, you would have some knowledge/understanding of sound design terms and concepts, such as sfx, panning, mix, etc (if you're experienced, you'll likely know more than me, lol). However, this is not 100% necessary if you can still communicate specific feedback.

If you don't notice any issues, then that's fine, but I am genuinely looking for detailed information about what you notice while listening. What you hear, what you don't hear, if things sound natural, if the volume balance of different aspects is off, if there is a strange amount of space between words in a specific place, etc. If you are testing the file, I would also like to know if you are listening on a mobile device or computer, what kind of headphones you are using, and what volume (approximately) you listened to the audio with, including if you had to (or wanted to) adjust the volume at any point while listening.

Looking forward to hearing from you! Thank you so much!


Florian Sedlmayer

Hi There, sure I‘d love to give some feedback on your newest creation


Definitely interested over here