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While surfing on a secluded beach, you're caught by a sudden, powerful riptide. Just as suddenly, you're returned to shore–but what could your savior want in return?

If you've listened to the Youtube version first, don't just skip ahead–there were multiple parts edited out! Listen to the whole audio for the full experience.

Though set in a fantasy scenario with a fictional character, this is a genuine hypnosis file meant to soothe the listener into trance. There is no prior discussion of permission or consent. Your consent is your responsibility. You will also be responsible for your own aftercare. This file has no wakener, so take the time afterwards to return to wakefulness naturally and care for yourself.

The following explains the topics discussed during the trance.

After playing around with you a bit, Saechelle decides it's time for you to listen more closely to his authority. He guides you to focus on the feelings of pleasure and surrender you get from being with him, before using those feelings to enslave you. There is no implied or intended orgasm for the listener during this file; it is intended to leave you feeling a bit needy. If you do orgasm, though, that's totally fine <3

Typically in my files, the sex happens after you've been all nice and tranced out. For this one, I wanted to see what would happen if I wrote it the other way around. When you're already lost in that pleasurable headspace, it's so easy to sink down, down, down...

This file is 100% gender neutral, with no mention of pronouns, no use of gendered honorifics or similar terms, and no explicit description of body parts.




I really loved this one!