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You wake underwater after an unknown amount of time to find the siren Havelock fussing over you. Though you're confused and apprehensive, Havelock is quick to reassure you that he'll take very good care of you… and to remind you of your place.

Please read the description thoroughly in order to consent to listening to this audio.


Though set in a fantasy scenario with a fictional character, this is a genuine hypnosis file meant to soothe the listener into trance. There is no prior discussion of permission or consent. Your consent is your responsibility. You will also be responsible for your own aftercare. This file has no wakener, so take the time afterwards to return to wakefulness naturally and care for yourself.

This file is intended to have only temporary effects and is for all intents and purposes a fantasy. However, hypnosis can put listeners into a suggestible state in which they may feel unexpected effects from the content of a file. Take care not to listen to this file too often and contact a trusted individual if you feel that you need deprogramming.

The following explains the topics discussed during the trance.

After talking you down into a nice trance, Havelock reminds you of how much you enjoy listening to him and obeying him. He uses some familiar phrases to drop you down even further before revealing that he's been eagerly anticipating being able to train you as his good, submissive pet.

Havelock installs a trigger in you that is intended to put you into a submissive, obedient state of mind as his pet. Once installed, he uses the trigger, and proceeds to fuck you to climax. Afterwards, he soothes you into a hypnotic sleep once more as you cockwarm him, and he promises to take good care of you.

This file is 100% gender neutral, with no mention of pronouns, no use of gendered honorifics or similar terms, and no explicit description of body parts.

The listener is penetrated, though it is not specified whether this is anal or vaginal.




Great sequel! Really good stuff as always!

Cole Sugar