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PLEASE read the entire description before listening!!!

This file is intended to have only temporary effects and is for all intents and purposes a fantasy. However, hypnosis can put listeners into a suggestible state in which they may feel unexpected effects from the content of a file. Take care not to listen to this file too often and contact someone you trust if you feel you need deprogramming.


This file contains topics that may cause discomfort. Feel free to listen through without trancing at first to see if you would be comfortable with its content. You can also find descriptions in increasing detail below.

It does have a subtly positive ending that is meant to be reassuring.


You're on a casual hike, where you encounter some fantastical spirits. Over time, you find yourself becoming more one with nature than you could have imagined… This is a genuine hypnosis file designed to guide the listener into a deep trance. There is no prior discussion of permission or consent. Your consent is your responsibility. You will also be responsible for your own aftercare. This file has no wakener, so take the time afterwards to return to wakefulness naturally and care for yourself. I have a general aftercare file available if needed.

*This version of the file references the listener having a vagina (referred to as a c*nt, pussy). No pronouns or gendered honorifics/terms are used.

The following explains the topics discussed during the trance (SPOILERS!).

In the first half of the file you interact with Bloom, a mysterious being with many voices. He encourages you to explore and embrace your connection with nature while guiding you deeper into trance. You remove your clothes and begin the process of connecting with Bloom. After experiencing a mind merge (and body merge) with nature, you enter a mindless walking trance, trusting Bloom to direct you. You realize that your arousal is growing as you walk, and eventually come to rest on a larger-than-life flower. Vines pleasure and penetrate you thoroughly, and you lose time to the blank pleasure that you experience.

In the second half of the file you are taken by Rot, who has extracted you from the vines and brought your body to an old tree. Rot continues to bring you deeper into trance and pleasure as you begin to merge with nature, being enveloped within the tree and pulled underground. You experience a slow dissolving and transformation, which is tied to the increasing pleasure. You experience an extended, unending orgasm under Rot's guidance. Eventually your body has all but vanished into decomposed materials which can be used to be reborn in a new form.

At the end of the file, a voice which seems to be some fusion of Bloom and Rot informs you that you can rest in exponential pleasure until you are ready to transition into your new self.

Detailed content warning:

This file contains content that:

  • encourages loss of self, lack of individuality, and removal of identity
  • encourages an increase in submissive thoughts, tendencies, actions or behaviors
  • associates arousal with trance, nature, being naked, and feeling controlled
  • encourages feeling comfort with and desire for certain extreme content (listed below)
  • depicts extreme sexual content (detailed description of penetration in all holes, including nostrils, ears, and urethra, etc)
  • depicts body horror in an erotic context (detailed description of literal brainfucking; detailed description of the body becoming stuffed entirely with dirt (inflation/stuffing); detailed description of infestation(moss, fungi, etc) and decomposition of the body; reference to being buried underground)
  • induces sensations and experiences related to pleasure, extreme content, and body horror
  • suggests being trapped in a state of extended orgasm/rising pleasure for an indefinite amount of time, potentially forever
  • there may be additional factors of this file not listed here that you dislike or find uncomfortable. do not feel obligated to continue listening, and feel free to come up with your own safe word that you can think or say out loud to help you break free from any unwanted trance.



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