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I wanted to show you what the cover of the artbook looks like that  I have been working non stop on for the past weeks 🥹 It was the main reason why I got a bit quiet (and the new zelda is at fault too, to be completely honest 👉👈)

It’s not yaoi related but still I wanted to show you first. And as it‘s finally finished and now it‘s time to draw good smut again :D Kind of in the mood to draw more link and yiga again, but we‘ll see ;D

Also I‘ll be posting the commission polls soon, make sure you don‘t miss them if you want to suggest a character x)




A new art bookkkk what a treat, will you be selling it on your online store?


Super schönes Cover, love it 😍

Sabrina Byrne

Zelda has taken tge place all adult duties in my house! The cover looks great! I can't wait to add another one of your art books to my shelf 😀