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Ongoing stuff:

Hey there!

My schedule got thrown off a bit today, got the message from Patreon that I have to send them my ID and a photo so they can verify that I'm an adult content creator that is over 18. After that I had to clean up the appartment and once I got to my PC it was smooth sailing. But as usual things tend to take longer than expected. I manged to shade the hair and skin for the monthly sequence, everything else still needs to get shaded. Besides that I am also really far behind on sketches. I still need to prepare all 7 remaining sketches before I can clean 'em up in a livestream.

The plan is to prepare some sketches tonight, the remaining ones tomorrow morning, finishing the sequence after lunch and if there's time I'll clean up a sketch or two. That means the remaining sketches get finished on Wednesday instead of Tuesday.

Once again, I'm sorry for taking longer but I hope this is the final schedule for the days to come before I can finally return to working on TACS 2.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend,

stay safe!




Ice rock bug Night

in my head when he turns someone into a bimbo he gets a copy of there quirk and with that you could say mineta some how made doubles of every one and himself and turn him into bimbo.