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Ongoing stuff:

Hey there!

Got way less done than I wanted today. My best friend celebrates his b-day on Sunday so I've been drawing a present for him and lost track of time. Right after I had a slight down phase, staring at the empty canvasses for the fanart and sequence until I finally managed to get at least the rough concept for the Saria shortstack TF done.

So today's post is a bit on the smaller side, I'll refinie the sketch tomorrow and add the background + I'll finish the sketches for the monthly sequence. That's the plan at least. I really need to acquire the habit of switching projects when I feel like I don't get any stuff done or can't come up with something. I am still catching myself being stuck try-harding to get something done and don't get anything done instead due to not switching gears.

Something I still have to improve on ^^

A big maybe tho: I might get back to yesterday's Kafka sketch and finish it with colors and a bit of cell shading, no promises tho ^^ So you might get a little more content later :)

Have a wonderful day and stay safe!





Bet your best friend will be very happy to see what you came up with ^^ And the rough concept is a nice start :)