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Update: Feedback Round 1 is concluded, please check my reply to your suggestions in the comments! ^^

I hope you all saw the 26 WIP pages with added dialogue, if you haven't please read through them before suggesting anything :)
[Google Drive Folder featuring all the sketched pages for easier reading]

With that out of the way, welcome to the fifth comic suggestion thread for this comic!
You got the following options to suggest further changes and plot-points, use the appropriate tags so it's easier to categorize later on :)


AC (Anti Cosmo): Tags suggestions that deal with corruption/changes Anti Cosmo does without the doing of the necklace. These changes don't have to do with the necklace which only activates when someone says something. Means you got all the lewd creative freedom you want!
N (Necklace): Tags suggestions that deal with changes that happen when the necklace gets activated (making whatever gets said, true). Please add what is said to the suggestion, else I can't work with it properly!
C (Chester): Chester already tested the waters with that new necklace of his and he's only getting started! This tag deals with changes made by him or plotpoints that deal with him. Because he is a pervert the changes he makes could be a bit more exotic :) Or he bends the rules of this world, who knows! That's up to you lol
PP (Plotpoint): Tags suggestions that progress the story further without any changes.

If you want to suggest something complex you can mix the tags of course :) I don't want to limit your imagination in any way!

I'll close this suggestion thread as soon as I'm halfway done with finishing this chapter (finishing page 73 in that case), the poll that features the suggestions I like/approve will get posted afterwards and runs till all the pages are done :)



AC: Anti-Cosmo follows Timmi as she tries to flee the school and its transformative effects, locking doors along her path and taunting her from a distance; she has other classes, after all, and it won't do to let her *go* until he's had as much fun as possible with her. As a twist, it's Timmi's own words that he twists against her -- "I'm too smart to be a bimbo!" She whines. "Ah, but my sweet Timmantha, you should know better than anyone that brains are overrated -- all those smarts went straight to your curves!" Timmi's intelligence and masculinity is burned as fuel to expand her breasts and ass even more. Despite her best efforts to contain her changing body, she's rapidly becoming the biggest bimbo in the school -- and the power of the necklace builds a feedback loop. N/C: While Chester and AJ participate in their orgy with Ms. Crocker and Principal Waxelplax, Chester can't help but utter the words that would *doom* Timmi; he wishes his girlfriend was every bit the bimbo and *more* of all the girls he's seen so far. Timmi's not just going to be his sexy girlfriend, she's going to become the sexiest girl in the school! Compounding with Anti-Cosmo's taunting, the power quickly blondifies Timmi. PP: When Timmi rounds a corner in her effort to escape, she's finally cornered by Trixie and Veronica -- they know she's been trying to skip school all day, and isn't it unfair to leave for the mall without inviting them? They *are* besties and her hot, fun fuckbuddy girlfriends~ Reality steadily warps to Timmi's horror as layer upon layer of changes cascade upon her helpless form.

Cole jones

Here is mine fair warning it might be a bit long sorry. C/AC and minor PP. We follow timmi running through the halls trying not to be noticed. As she is running she starts thinking back to crockers class at first she is worried about what happened but then starts to get turned on by it she can't help herself and rushes to the bathroom. She tries to fight the urge but she can't help it she gets into a stall and starts masturbating exploring her new body for the first time, of her own free will, while doing so. She can't help but moan and as she starts giving into the pleasure she starts thinking about what happened in Crocker's class and how everyone was so sexy. Her thoughts lead to Trixie and how hot she was and as she is about to climax anti Cosmo messes with her mind and has her last thought before climax be about Tootie and how hot she would be if she was more like Trixie, Veronica, or her mom. Finally Timmi climaxs hard and passes out from the pleasure and sleeps through the next class. We see a quick panel of someone walking into the bathroom. We cut to chester and AJ walking to their next class after fucking crocker and Mrs waxelplax. Chester thinking about how he can use the necklace and all the fun he can have with it. He walks into his next class and sees Remy Buxaplenty, Chad, and Tad and groans in annoyance at them being in his next class the three of them being some of the richest kids in town and how they love to rub it in everyones faces. As chester sits down we cut to Remy sitting next to Chad and Tad bored before class starts and thinking about how annoying it is that Juandissimo left him to try and go swoon wanda he also notices AJ looks different and that some of the other students who have walked in also look and are dressed different especially the girls and wonders what's happening. Cut back to Chester, who thanks to anti Cosmo whispering in his ear, realizes with the necklace he can be as rich as Remy so he makes the wish and reality changes so to everyone but Remy he has always been rich. Many students start talking about how chester is one of the richest people in school and Remy finds it weird he gets frustrated by it and walks over to chester he talks about how poor chester is and how much richer he is then chester trying to act superior. Class starts and everyone goes to their seats chester notices that Remy still remembers him being poor and finds it weird and it also worries him thinking Remy could mess with his fun. As he is thinking this anti cosmo whispers some more ideas into chesters head such as why does AJ get to be so much bigger then him so chester wishes AJ's muscles and dick size would transfer to him we see AJ shrink back to normal and chester get bigger with only Remy noticing. Chester thinks he can have a bit more fun with AJ and decides to turn AJ into a woman too causing AJ to turn into a female version of himself but with hair and a change of clothes, though not into a bimbo still viewing AJ as a friend which annoys anti Cosmo. Remy is getting worried by all of this and tries to get up to stop chester but he wishes Remy would sit down quietly and not move. And unfortunately Remy is forced to comply chester thinks back to all the times Remy, Chad and Tad would mock them. Anti Cosmo sees this and gives him one more idea. So chester wishes Remy, Chad and Tad were women and that their families were rich but not by the normal means but because they are some of the richest porn actors and directors in the world. And while Chad and Tad had naturally curvy bodies like their porn star moms Remy didn't and used her families money to get herself plastic surgery to give herself big lips, breast, thighs, and ass. He also makes it so they are the school sluts constantly horny and seeking out people to fuck and while Chad and Tad easily change to fit these new roles Remy is still aware this isn't right. Next chester wished the three sluts would give his new bigger dick some attention and so they do and chester wishes no one in the class would notice making it so while he fucks the three new bimbos no one would notice. He does it with Chad and Tad and when he gets to Remy we see Remy try to resist but start to become the new bimbo she is, she still remembers who she was but now she doesn't care and gives into the pleasure. Chester smiles thinking more about all the fun he is going to have with everyone in this school maybe everyone in the town. We see a panel of anti Cosmo smiling at the chaos chester will cause as he gives into his desires. And then we cut to the classroom door and see Mrs crocker watching everything happening. She followed chester because of her weird feeling and thinks this could lead to fairies but as she is watching chester she starts to masturbate in the hall. We cut back to Timmi waking up and we see who was walking towards the bathroom was Trixie who is now in the stall with Timmi and she sees Timmi was masturbating and starts licking Timmi's pussy as she does Timmi moans more and more and Trixie thinks of how hot Timmi is and wishes she would be more open about having fun like this. As she thinks this Timmi's inhibitions start to fade a bit and while she tries to fight it she starts to lose herself to the pleasure. After Cumming again Timmi snaps out of it and tries to leave but before she does Tootie walks in and bumps into Timmi. Timmi sees it's tootie and briefly remembers her thought of a sexier tootie causing the necklace to heat up with Timmi's next thought being oh no. End of chapter. I should say some stuff first off Remy, Chad and Tad's names would be changed into Remi dicaplenty(dicks a plenty thats the joke) and chad would be Chelsea and Tad would be Roxy. Maybe not the best name shifts but I think they work. Second the reason anti Cosmo made Timmi think of tootie as a bimbo is pretty simple to spread more chaos and changes. Third the reason Remy can see the changes is because he also has a fairy. And lastly the crocker thing at the end is meant to lead to something later on maybe more changes to students or maybe her trying to get the necklace. That should be all of it I hope this wins and schinkn if you have anything to bring up about this please tell me.


This is deviously good as a climax to the story


Necklace focus, with a Chester hook for next chapter Features Timmi, Trixie, Veronica (briefly), Timmi's Mom, AJ, and Chester (briefly) Trixie catches up to Timmi, and takes her begrudgingly to lunch in the cafeteria. A few transformations occur getting through the line (suddenly sexy lunchladies!) and on the way to a seat as far away as possible from others ("all that food's going to your butt" or "she's such a slut she'd blow someone for a discount" type gossip resulting in TFs or lewd actions). Continuing to guide Timmi, Trixie brings her to join Veronica. Veronica comments on the wet patches on Timmi’s shirt. She compares Timmi to her mother, and snidely adds, "With how much your mom lactates, *[she should have a stand here for fresh milk]*." This activates the amulet, making it a reality. Trixie then drags Timmi over to say hi to her mother, and to get some fresh milk for lunch. Mom is dressed in a skimpy cowprint outfit that leaves her nipples open. She is delighted to see the girls, while Timmi is very embarrassed and tries to avoid looking at her mother’s chest out in public. Mom compliments both on how hot they are, which causes Trixie to beam, and then insists the girls *[drink from the tap]*. This activates the necklace, forcing Timmi to drink while Trixie eagerly jumps at the opportunity. Timmi gets aroused from the public situation and start to lactate again. This excites Mom, who brings Timmi and Trixie in for a big milky hug. She hopes Timmi can join her someday, and forces her to *[try it out]* for the rest of the period. Timmi is then told to go behind a (rather inadequate) changing curtain to put on Mom's spare cowprint uniform that, to Timmi's dismay, fits shockingly well. Once she's changed, Mom and Trixie take a sample, which causes an embarrassing moan from Timmi. Mom encourages her, while Trixie goes back to grab Timmi’s food to feed to her while she’s milked. As a line forms for the new Milk Maid, Chester and AJ have wrapped up with Crocker and the Principal. AJ is hungry as they’re late for lunch and goes to the cafeteria, but Chester spots the teacher's lounge which gives him an idea. He splits off with the ladies saying he’ll catch up with AJ later. (Plot hook for next chapter) AJ notices Timmi, Trixie, and Mom at the milking station. He grabs a quick protein bar as he heads over to them. He’s surprised Timmi’s helping out, and compliments Mom, "You're such a MILF, it's a shame we're in the middle of the cafeteria". She replies, "Thank you dear! I *[wish they wouldn't mind]*, you're quite the snack yourself!" (wink) This activates Timmi’s necklace, and she follows up with, "Now how about you get over here and help pump up my productivity?" AJ strips down and starts plowing Mom from behind. Timmi’s in full blush next to her as both are getting milked. A student comments that it’s coming out a lot faster now. Trixie takes note of this and offers to help Timmi in a similar fashion. Timmi’s tentatively agrees after so much lust has built up from the public situation and milking. Trixie pulls a near AJ-sized dildo out of her bag, saying that it always works for her. The scene continues with Trixie helping Timmi and AJ "helping" Mom. Mom says proudly, "You've grown so much already dear, *[it won't be long until we're the same size. Or even bigger!]*", giving additional growth to Timmi's breasts and output. Trixie finally works up the courage to kiss Timmi and the bell rings as their lips meet, also sparking a large orgasm (with AJ and Mom finishing at the same time). Mom thanks AJ, then tells Timmi she’s proud of her and will see her at home. As they clean up and get dressed, Timmi sneaks a glance at AJ's cock. She worries a bit about how enticing it is, and tries to distract herself with other topics to put those thoughts out of her mind. She then asks AJ where Chester is. AJ says that he last saw him heading to the teacher’s lounge with the Principal and Crocker. Leaving the cafeteria, Timmi is confused and worried about what all has changed.


meant to have this up like a week ago but I've been sick, so here's a quick rough and dirty version that I might expand upon more if needed; N starts with Timmi running off to her next class, as she arrives she remembers she shares it with Chloe and Tootie and dreads what shenanigans the necklace is likely to cause making things even more complicated is that Timmi is seated right between the two girls and Tootie's crush on Timmi hasn't been diminished at all by her being turned into a girl to her guilty relief the conversation between the three of them over the course of the class mostly ends up centering around Chloe and Tootie gradually altering the two of them into bimbos on par with Trixie and Veronica, though Timmi does still end up getting some changes herself after class ends it's time for lunch and Chloe & Tootie practically drag Timmi off to the cafeteria, as they arrive there Trixie notices Timmi and invites the three girls to join her and Veronica at their table Tootie realizes she forgot her lunch at home when suddenly Vicky shows up, she realized her sister forgot her lunch and decided to bring her it as she had nothing better to do and as such basically invites herself to join Timmi and the others at their table, doesn't take long at all for the conversation and necklace to alter her into a super curvy bimbo too, though one with more of an athletic bend to her physique Timmi's basically trapped between Tootie and Trixie's oddly cooperative attempts at getting her attention/affection unable to potentially escape from the table, and while she's trying to minimize her own contributions to the conversation between the six bimbos she can't really do anything about the other girls saying lewd suggestive things altering herself and each other, and as much as she hates the idea she realizes that since she can't really do anything to stop it at the moment(or indeed pretty much as long as she's still at school) she just needs to stop worrying and accept what's happening to herself and others and just go along with the ride and hopefully she'll be able to fix things whenever she can get back in touch with Cosmo & Wanda as lunch comes to an end and the girls all go off to their last couple of classes(and Vicky goes home) Timmi finds herself in a much better mood(and a lot curvier and sluttily dressed), sure she's still a bit worried about how far things could go before the end of the day but she's just going to try and bear with it and maybe even enjoy it a little instead of letting herself get consumed with paranoia and guilt(after all this is all Anti-Cosmo's doing, not hers)


We talked about that suggestion already so there's nothing I got to add, love it ^^ Maybe we can sprinkle in small changes here and there for the fun of it, but it's not needed of course xD


I got no issues with this suggestion till we hit the part where Vicky appears and brings Tootie her lunch. It feels just too out of character for her to be considerate and bring her sister lunch even tho she got nothing to do. She doesn't go to the same school anymore because the age difference between Timmi/Tootie and her is too great. I think it would make way more sense if Vicky appears later in the story, maybe on Timmi's way home or in a mall or something when she maybe goes shopping with her bimbo friends. I like the idea of Timmi kinda accepting her fate for now, even though I was planning on tuning down her freaking out a little over time anyways because she adapts more and more to being female and her continuous sluttier getting body. ^^