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Well then, I kinda knew that I would have to make this post. With a lot of stuff happening this month I was sure that I won't get to the finish line in time. Even though I promise stuff in my optimism I have to be realistic.

Where I'm at rn:

  • Patreon Sketches: 3/6 done [3 more to go]
  • Monthly Fanart: Beginning of the lines [Remaining Lines, Flats, Background & Shading left]
  • Monthly Sequence: Concept Sketches [Cleanup, Lines, Flats & Shading left]

As you can see there's still quite some stuff left to tackle. I will be finishing those sketches first, after that I'll stream till 7pm probably working on the Fanart, after that I'll post what I got and go on my honeymoon on the 1st.

Long story short, my backlog is back. But I'll try my best to get it done ASAP when I'm back on January 9th.

I hope you understand that this month was just busy on my end + Covid prevented me from doing stuff for quite a while.

I will prepare the suggestion threads for the monthly projects of January in advance and schedule them to release tomorrow. I'll be checking on my phone if that worked xD because I never trust scheduled stuff ^^

Have a great day everyone!

And see you for one last speech before New Years even with today's WIP post!



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