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I am using this post to give a status update about how I'm feeling right now and to inform about the pause from the monthly projects I do to get rid of my backlog once and for all and focus on some stuff I wanted to fix and catch up on.

Sickness, how am I feeling right now?

Way better already. I can still feel it wearing me down a bit but I think the worst has passed.

My planned work schedule

First, a reminder to my Sketch Tier Patrons: The deadline for the monthly patron sketches is approaching, you got a little more than 3 days to submit your sketch suggestion in case you haven't already ^^

I will finally continue my work on TACS 2 tomorrow. It will probably be off-stream but if I feel good enough I might stream it. The Cyberpunk pic is also nearing it's completion, two characters are still missing ^^ After I finished at least one page of TACS 2 I have to start my work on the monthly projects, to avoid creating a huge backlog. While I work on the colored sketches and the patron sketches in the morning I'll focus on the fanart and sequence after lunch like usual.

I am 100% sure that I will be left with some backlog I have to finish in November, but I was expecting that after I got sick. Like usual I'll try my best to get it done in a timely fashion.

Speaking of November, that will be the month where I pause the monthly project stuff I usually do

This means no:

  • Fanart
  • Sequence
  • Patron Sketches
  • Colored Sketches

that month. Because I continue to work on TACS 2 and other stuff in that month I won't pause my Patron and I don't possess the option to pause certain tiers on Patreon. This means that Patrons who don't want to support me in that month should cancel their pledge in advance so they don't get charged on the first. There are always people who don't mind, but also people who forget their pledge. I am also able to refund pledges till the 7th of November in case you were too late ^^

I really want to use that month to tie up all loose ends I accumulated and finally get back into working on my comic in earnest without a backlog eating up most of my time.

That means:

  • Finally rendering all of the timelapses that are missing
  • Sprucing up my stream interface (can't do anything about my connection tho xD)
  • Finally finishing the project name:SAI trailer
  • Sketching out smaller ideas with you being able to vote on some that get finished
  • and finally: some personal fanarts here and there to unwind ^^

My main focus will still be TACS 2 tho because I really want to finish this chapter soon.

Thank you once again for your patience and support ❤

if you got any questions feel free to ask them ^^



Cole jones

It will be a bit sad to not be able to submit a fanart or sequence next month but I can live with it I'll still keep my usual pledge. Also it is a good idea to not do fanart or sequence next month that way you can get more work done without having something looming over you that needs to be done at a certain time. If your lucky you might be able to finish this chapter of altering curse before the end of the year.