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The transformations depicted are happening in full consent. Every sort of resistence is mere roleplay I depict as a fetish.

Ongoing stuff:

HQ Downloads of September 2022 [Incomplete❌]

TACS 2 - Chapter 5 - COMIC POLL: After a dozen of changes in the girls locker room and the encounter with Chester, Timmi is on her way to her next lesson. What happens next?

Project Overview

Hey there!

I wish I could've done a little more today, but I still made some decent progress.

Because I posted really late yesterday I didn't mention in yesterday's post that I'll be visiting a friend tomorrow before lunch and stay there till Sunday. Staying there because we really rarely see each other.

That means that I can't work on something tomorrow and Sunday's my day off.

I'll try to sketch something whenever I got the time ^^

I'll make sure to prepare the suggestion threads in advance and schedule them appropriately. Besides that sorry that I once again drag some backlog into the next month. I am still pretty optimistic that it won't take long and with the Violet Parr Reality Rewrite I finally should be able to focus on more TACS 2 pages again ^^

I wish you all a wonderful weekend,

stay safe!


Big thanks to:

  • Random, Roadin, UGOWAA, Mephistopheles, Braeden, The Sauce, pickleman, Magi, Johan, Morticentrum and Lemons for pledging for the WIP Tier,
  • Bad Boy for pledging for the Generous WIP Tier,
  • Cass, MotleyCrue, Ethan, DEMONGOD172, Harold, Roadan, John, Jacob, Kuzoto and aske for pledging for the Poll Tier and
  • Colin for upgrading their pledge to the Poll Tier!

Welcome back to some of you! I hope you (continue to) enjoy your stay and the content that I post on here :)



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