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The transformations depicted are happening in full consent. Every sort of resistence is mere roleplay I depict as a fetish.

Ongoing stuff:

TACS 2 - Chapter 5 - Suggestion Thread: After  a dozen of changes in the girls locker room and the encounter with  Chester, Timmi is on her way to her next lesson. What happens next?

Project Overview

Hey there,

as I mentioned previously I was pretty busy this weekend, working at another festival, attending a birthday and playing two gigs with the big-band section of our orchestra. I am sorry that I couldn't provide any sketches during that time and that I probably have to work on some projects during the first days of July again but I promise I should be back on track now with those bigger RL dates out of the way.

Thank you for your patience!

I worked on the fanart today and I think I should be able to finish it tomorrow and move onto the sequence. I think I have to paint over the background a little more, not satisfied with the blend of screenshot/painting just yet.

I hope you like it so far,

have a nice day and stay safe wherever you are,


I know it's been a while since I greeted new Patrons but I promise I'll catch up with you all tomorrow when I got a little more time in the evening ^^



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