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TACS 2 - Chapter 5 - Suggestion Thread: After  a dozen of changes in the girls locker room and the encounter with  Chester, Timmi is on her way to her next lesson. What happens next?

Project Overview

Sorry for not posting yesterday but no matter how much I rest up I am still stressed out about all the content I still have to get out, which literally kills my whole drawing mood. I will keep it slow, else I will burn out. There will be some backlog (again) that I have to finish in May.

I have to readjust my mindset and break the working schedule I established months ago because it doesn't seem to work anymore. I will only focus on one project at a time from now on and once a page/pic is done I will work on a different page/pic.

Once the Camie pic is done I will stop doing MHA for a while (only if it wins polls I will be doing it, it's not banned or something) to finally get some other (smaller) projects going and also try myself out in other fields like animation ^^ I like doing huge projects but they burn you out when you got too much of them.

I managed to finally do the sketches for the Ruby Fanart poll winner, the Peach Shortstack TF sketch will follow suit tomorrow. After that I will most likely stream me doing the colored sketches. After that I will focus on the fanart and the sequence afterwards while preparing sketches for the Sketchdump in the mornings ^^

I will post the incomplete download folder tomorrow and update it once all the April content is ready ^^

Thank you again for your patience and if you don't have it I am sorry for being so slow at the moment. Seems like I bit off more than I can chew the past few months.

I've been going for 2 years nonstop (besides my Sundays off) and it may slowly start to show. I won't do a long time break tho, I just have to restructure and take it easy here and there.

Have a nice day whereever you are,


Big thanks to kiroto, Marc, Jinxed, Bob, and Josh for pledging for the WIP Tier, Nathan, Justin, Mathew, Der Kaiser and LeaderBlue for pledging for the Poll Tier, Miner49r for upgrading their pledge to the Poll Tier and Cannockiscool for pledging for the Sketch Tier! Thank you all for the crazy amount of support and I hope you (continue to) enjoy your stay and the content that I post on here :)



Finn the Human

My immediate response of this sketch is "Ruby became Beauty AND the Beast" lmao