Artblock and orchestra stuff (Patreon)
I attended orchestra rehearsal yesterday and received some more paperwork. I am also slowly helping the person who takes my role after me to get into the stuff I've been doing.
Based on that my day was again cut short by stuff I can't really control until I am finally out of the committee on March 5th.
I had two hours left when I was done with that stuff aaaand got into an artblock. I wanted to sketch the Fanart and the Sequence but I instead stared at a blank canvas. I am sorry about that but I just wasn't feeling like drawing today.
I already edited the dates in my project overview to see where I am at atm and yeah, it's getting pretty packed again at the end of the month. If I can stick to it from Monday on I'll be fine, else I will either work a little overtime or have to do some stuff on March 1st-2nd.
I hope for the best. I know that my artblocks were always gone the next day so I should be fine on Monday, still I can't wait till I can fully focus on doing art without interruptions.
Sorry for not posting anything today,
thanks for your patience as always and stay safe!