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//tw:  If you're not into family drama or can't cope with it please skip this post

Normally this would be the Sketch Tier post I planned on writing today but something happened.

I told you that I was driving my brother to a wisdom teeth removal. Everything alright there but most likely due to the anesthesia and some pain meds combined with his yearlong hatred towards my parents and choleric tendencies he snapped again today.

I am lucky that I live near my parents.

He was smashing things, got a bit handsy towards me and my dad and lastly had multiple nervous breakdowns (I assume because I know them from my gf years ago).

The police was here but they can't do anything as long as he's not breaking the law.

I am currently on high alert, listening if the shouting on the other side of the wall gets quieter or if the situation gets better.

I am sorry to tell you all of this but I really try to be transparent and just saying it's "family stuff" wouldn't suffice. I tried to keep it vague.

I hope it's understandable why I am not working today

I will post the sketches I've made while waiting in the car though, but not now, maybe tonight.

Sorry for the vent post but this time it really was necessary to get it off my chest ^^;



Cole jones

I think we all understand and it's ok you have to deal with real life first I wish you the best of luck getting through this.


Family comes first in these situations


Do what you gotta do dude, family is always important and we can all can understand that. I hope everything with you and your family gets better ❤


That sounds really rough. I'm wishing you all the best, and really, it's okay to miss some time, especially when stuff like this happens.


That truly is something hard. I hope (and wish) that everything will be okay with your brother. Take your time Aron, family and health come's first ;)


Ooof that Hits Home normally im that choleric Brother (although Not towards my parents).

Bal tha mele

That’s a lot for you to handle. However, You are loved ❤️