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I hope you all saw the 25 WIP pages with added dialogue, if you haven't please read through them before suggesting anything :) 

[Google Drive Folder featuring all the sketched pages for easier reading] 

With that out of the way, welcome to the fourth comic suggestion thread for this comic!

You got the following options to suggest further changes and plot-points, use the appropriate tags so it's easier to categorize later on :)

We also got a new tag! C (Chester) :)


AC (Anti Cosmo): Tags suggestions that deal with corruption/changes Anti Cosmo does without the doing of the necklace. These changes don't have to do with the necklace which only activates when someone says something. Means you got all the lewd creative freedom you want!

N (Necklace): Tags suggestions that deal with changes that happen when the necklace gets activated (making whatever gets said, true). Please add what is said to the suggestion, else I can't work with it properly!

C (Chester): Chester got a necklace now! This tag deals with changes made by him or plotpoints that deal with him. Because he is a pervert the changes he makes could be a bit more exotic :) Or he bends the rules of this world, who knows! That's up to you lol

PP (Plotpoint): Tags suggestions that progress the story further without any changes.

If you want to suggest something complex you can mix the tags of course :) I don't want to limit your imagination in any way!

I'll close this suggestion thread as soon as I'm done with half of the currently sketched pages, the poll that features the suggestions I like/approve will get posted afterwards and runs till all the pages are done :)


Cole jones

N&C Timmi tries as fast as she can to get to her next class hoping to try and just rush through school and get home. She is able to avoid anyone focusing on her so no changes but then we cut to chester who while walking with AJ wishes he could be in the same class with timmi right now and as he says that the necklace glows and reality warps slightly so now his next class is the same as timmi's. As timmi gets to class and breaths a small sigh of relief chester walks in making her worried but to make things worse she remembers this class is mr Crockers. Mr Crocker walks in and starts berating his students nothing to cause changes yet but then he starts particularly insulting timmi Chester says Crocker should just shut up so Crocker does as chester questions this he notices the necklace glowing and puts it on and tests it out saying I wish timmi was a bit more like her mom this causes her hair to turn blond, her breast, ass, and lips to expand a bit more and for her to start developing perverted thoughts of her own not a full on bimbo but now she has those kinds of thoughts here and there and her libido gets a boost to not much but enough to cause some problems later. After this chester tests it out on Crocker turning him into a woman though at first Crocker is kinda like the ugly British nanny kind of teacher but through Chester's thoughts and other male students Crocker starts to turn into the sexy French kind of teacher and then as she continues to change she makes the class a biology class and shows her pussy and while she does she has perverted thoughts about her students causing the males in the class to get buffer and the woman more curvy and as this is happening the principal mrs. Waxelplax walks by and comes in to stop it saying that Crocker will be fired for this but then Crocker brings up there past from college when they dated and this causes the students to image Waxelplax being as sexy as crocker is now and so she starts to change into a bimbo too before things can get anymore out of hand the bell rings and timmi rushes out hoping to get to her next class before anything else happens not knowing it was mainly chester who caused what happened. Sorry if this is long but I couldn't think of a way to sum it up.


Sounds good to me! It fits the general story and it shows the viewer how Chester finds out about the powers of his necklace even though he still doesn't know that he can't revert changes or change anything to the better. He is a pervert so it's questionable if he even wants to go that way lol. Wouldn't the "looking more like her mom" comment also boost Timmi's breasts once more? I like the "the class changes female Crocker" segment. Waxelplax is already pretty stacked so turning her into a bimbo works out as well. She is looking like a shortstack in the cartoon so I will make her a bit taller to balance everything out (if this suggestion wins at least) All in all a good suggestion ^^


Seeing less suggestions this time around, so I’ll throw out this one, one which has been on my mind a while: (N) Timmi zones out in class thinking about her situation and what she’s going to do next, prompting corrupted students from the previous chapter to wonder what she’s thinking about. During this discussion, there could be comments on her outfit with gossip that she loves showing off to the other students, or even just comments that she’s airheaded or horny. Here’s the important bit: some speculation, the blonde bimbofied girl from last chapter declares that she must be thirsting over the other students (and her?), and that she’s probably just like her/doesn’t think too different from her. Cutting back to Timmi who is still worrying, subtle, pink bimboish thoughts emerge in her internal dialogue: “everyone must be staring at me… *and like who wouldn’t, with sexy titties like mine,” “at least my body is like, totally hawt,” “these massive breasts feel *super good, i’m, like, so horny*,” “It felt, like, totally good to be a bimbo for Chester,” “I totally can’t wait to see how much sluttier I can get,” “I, like, can’t wait for these to get bigger,” are some suggestions. After the first slutty thought or two, Timmi realizes that these thoughts are not her own, but that of a bimbo version of her, and that she’s changing again. Timmi tries to internally repress the growing onslaught of thoughts from bimbo-Timmi (inspired by page 27 of the amazing ErisManor’s Bimbo Hair Curse), but in spite of her efforts, the cacophony of intrusive horny ideas, slutty statements about herself and how hot she is, and lewd mental images of other students starts to rapidly affect Timmi and those around her, bimbofying and expanding girls to match her thoughts. Hell, the various horny thoughts of bimbo-Timmi could even contribute to her own physical transformation: changing her outfit into something even more slutty and obscene, growing out her tits, ass, thighs, lips, etc., all at the thought of how she’d totally like to use her assets for herself and on others. Also, I don’t know how this could make sense in the context, but emerging highlights in her hair could symbolize the changes going on in Timmi’s mind. *To be clear, I’m not suggesting a full mental bimbofication by the end of the chapter, but the gradual takeover of that corrupted alter ego in Timmi’s psyche.* Overall, I think that at this point in the story, some mental changes and sluttification would be really cool, with Timmantha internally fighting off against the emerging bimbo side that is inevitably going to take her over. The classroom is a perfect setting for mental changes to start; it’s a place of thinking, after all! :) I know that this was a pretty long-winded suggestion, so feel free to narrow it down, take liberties, or ask questions as you see fit. Thanks, love your work!


One more, not sure whether you want to compile all these into one suggestion or keep them separate, but I figure it can’t hurt to throw one more into the pot: (C) Chester wonders if everyone is as horny for Timmi/as transfixed on her as he is, making her the object of other classmates’ thoughts… possibly leading to some of the changes I suggested earlier. Done now, sorry for the spam!

Malcolm Cranford

Chester on his way to class runs into Tootie and Chloe Carmichael in the hallway. ( Chloe was saving Tootie from some bullies and they ended up making it to school late. Since they were out of range they haven’t gone through any changes and are blank slates. Chloe will be able to notice the changes on account of her also having fairy god parents.) Chester says hi to them and thinks about how hot Tootie will be once she matures and her acne clears up. Changes ensue . Chester and Chloe notice

Malcolm Cranford


Malcolm Cranford


Cole jones

I feel like this could work but maybe later on when chester knows about the necklace and it's powers maybe chapter 6 or 7. I feel like chapter 5 should mainly be him causing changes as he figures out what the necklace can do. Also I don't know if chloe should be in this yet since she could also be an opposing force to chester maybe in a later chapter when she shows up she sees what he's doing and confronts him but then gets changed.


AC and N. Timmi further changes more breast expansion/Ass expansion, and lesbian actions with Trixie and Veronica. im not much for exposition, but this is what i love to see next chapter.


[C] with possible minor [AC] influence. Room for [N] side effects. Chester feels compelled to put on Necklace, but doesn't think much of it. "Huh, neat" (Could be Anti Cosmo smoothing things out for a bit) Bit of a crowd outside the next class, Chester chats with A.J. about disliking Geography and hopes that there's Just then she turn around the corner and lets them in the room. Chester and A.J. sit near the back to chat (and make changes). AC may do something to keep Chester from noticing the necklace reacting to see what he comes up with. The rest of the chapter is them chatting about classes on the top panels while changes are shown in the rest of the page. Some suggested conversation and changes: * AJ "Timmi's got algebra with that smoking hot teacher. I swear ." [Timmi grows uncomfortable as her teacher starts getting visibly horny while talking about math] * C "How cool would it be if ." [all male teachers TG into hot women] * AJ "Yeah, they could ." [adds a specific class for "women sexuality"] * C "Ha, must be a I swear " [cheerleaders become sluts; routines (show practice) are super sexual] * AJ "No kidding, The only way they could show off more is if they were " [Anyone seeing the cheerleaders in uniform gets horny; Cheerleader outfits change] * C "So true! Man, more women should " [Various women's underwear vanishes, including Timmi's] Etc. Can have a vote for some other smaller changes. Chat can continue to some specific people to modify Nothing too extreme yet, or things that Chester would notice while in conversation with A.J. Possible cut-ins with Timmi's teacher getting more lewd throughout the class, possible whispers from the male students questioning and reinforcing her behavior Last page would be Chester leaving the classroom and getting confused once he notices the alterations. Next chapter would be Chester realizing what's going on and starting to abuse the power intentionally

Finn the Human

I want to make a suggestion but idk what to suggest 🤔

Finn the Human

I think so, it is probably an unoriginal idea but basically just Chester becomes a big bimbo called Chesty.... Idk how to expand on that atm 😅 maybe that's how Timmi gets the necklace off em or something? I may have forgotten some details as it night not fit the storyline

Cole jones

I mean that could happen later but I don't think right now also I had about the same idea but that timmi is able to take the necklace off of chester and that causes a sort of feedback effect turning him into chesty.

Cole jones

If mine wins I was thinking of asking to combine it with other suggestion but this is a pretty good combo. Though I do think the sexy goth idea should go to either vicky or more likely Francis the bully.


I set mine up specifically so it could go in many directions but lets us get a bunch of transformation fun in while Chester is unaware of the necklace's power. This latest chapter we did the combination thing and while the ideas are good, it's also been a really long time since we've had any say in what happens. I'm shooting for smaller chapters that lets us guide the story more often. How many people have joined and left without the chance to vote on the main project? So if mine were to win I'd rather have another vote on all ideas then instead of pre-tying it into something from who knows how many months ago.


I can understand where you are coming from in which I thought the best ideas came from both Cole and you so I figured I combine them both with a Timmi that would be unique than having her turn into her mom

Cole jones

Well I mean she wouldn't fully turn into a exact copy of her mom just gain some of her traits she could change more as the comic goes but I mean her becoming a bit more like her mom could work and she changes more into a new look different from her mom. Also the whole bimbo goth look I think would work better for Francis the bully I mean he could show up later be bulling them and ends up turned into a bimbo it could work but I think that should be later.


I am in love with this suggestion. It's the perfect way to ease into Chester having a necklace ^^ I am also totally fine with all the coversation suggestions you've posted. I am sure a vote for other small changes would be nice. The question is: Who could the specific targets/other things changing be and what changes should we prompt for polls? I am totally fine with no specific person changing even though it would be awesome when it happens with random banter of Chester and AJ ^^ Hm, if this suggestion wins I could do a big google form with a "choose your change" style where people can choose between environment/rules of the world/person suggestions and further down the line go into specifics of the change (I only prompt smaller changes because I don't want them to notice yet and don't want to change too much in this chapter xD ). At the end they can confirm their choices and I can look at the data at hand to make my polls ^^ Or when there aren't that many promising ones I will just pick the ones that could work. Once again, love the idea and sorry for the REALLY late reply. It's the perfect segue for Chester abusing the power in the next chapter and his eventual downfall one or two chapters after that. ^^


Chester turning into a Chesty is a plotpoint of mine that I don't change ^^ I always planned for him to turn into a big-breasted slut/bimbo one way or another. With the current way the story goes it will most likely happen when he either words a change of his the wrong way or Anti Cosmo screws him over once he is too power-drunken and wants to attack the anti-fairy. ^^

Finn the Human

I guess the only altercation I would have that might be a bit different, is Chesty is a Hyper Bimbo. This came from a thought of "Hmmm now that I noticed, her name sounds rather hyper bimbo and shameless" also I think AC would savour the irony of a perv into a super nymphomaniac


I am totally up for more changes to Timmi and FINALLY some lesbian action between her and Trixie, Veronica's mind got sluttier and more bimbo-like in chapter 4 so she would most likely join into the fun as well. They got lessons in the next chapter, now the question is how do they get their lesbian action while they are in class? Does Anti Cosmo change things around, making it normal for them to leave class or due to something else they are able to leave class? Or is it the necklace that allows them to go somewhere more private, or are they doing it in class? It's also important to discuss how Timmi changes further, I mean due to what comments is she growing even more. Maybe some sexy talk from Trixie or Veronica, or students are fawning over her prior to that in class and she gets thiccer xD Could maybe even be the teacher that changes her somewhat with muttering out thoughts and desires ^^ All in all we need to get more specific, else it's really hard for people to vote for it when they don't know how it happens ^^


Okay, in this case I am waiting till you post your new suggestion ^^


I would just turn her into a bimbo, but that doesn't mean that she can't change even more further down the line ^^ just don't want to go from pervy boy to a huge hyperbimbo in one page xD so we have to wait and see ^^

Finn the Human

I wasn't implying the hyper bimbo is one full on TF I meant like a progress thing like most of the TFs here like gradually


Going to sit this one out as I can't really think of anything else besides the great one suggested here


best thing i can suggest is that a threesome lesbian sex AS the class lesson. Trixie and Veronica talk dirty to Timmi, changing him more and making her more sensitive, enough for her to utterly lose her mind to the pleasure.


Maybe AJ could compliment Chester on getting a blowjob from the hottest girl in school? Meanwhile, Timmi’s in class when she notices more of the changes Chester caused while he had the necklace. Anti-Cosmo taunts her as a drawing on the chalkboard while she changes further, growing into more of an ideal slut — moreover, it seems as she bimboes up her brainpower depletes, the grade on one of her tests drops in realtime. It seems becoming the hottest girl in a school full of bimbos and himbos won’t involve a lot of smarts in her future.

Cole jones

Well I don't think she should be an airhead just yet it feels to early to me.


As much as I love to draw bimbos I would refrain from turning the main character of my comics into a full-on bimbo. I enjoy writing inner monologue and dialogue with others that isn’t dumbed down. I am all for making characters sluttier, not able to resist sexual urges and so on. I would not turn her into a bimbo, but she can still try to resist her new sexual urges when students change her. Chester could be the cause of the students’ fixation on her, making her look and act sluttier. Her nipples getting hard, maybe fondling her breast or rubbing her pussy through her hotpants for now ^^ Sorry to block out the bimbo part of your suggestion, she could still lust for bigger cocks, hotter girls etc. but dumbing down isn’t a route I want to go at the moment ^^


There will be no suggestion combining this time because chapters get too long when two big suggestions get tied together ^^


I have to go with Cole said. Sure Tootie can change by something Chester says without intending to change her. With Chloe there it makes matters more complicated. We would have to do more chapters dealing with her reacting to it, how she will affect Chester’s plans etc. They are on their way to class so that’s what happens next, there isn’t a lot of time for them to stand in the hallway and hash things out. I think it’s best to change Tootie (and Chloe) in a later chapter. Maybe in the cafeteria or something where we can focus on a few other characters for a change.


nothing against a warped reality where a threesome of them is common xD maybe sex ed with them as volunteers ^^


I am all for her getting even hotter, but I am still against her dumbing down. I love drawing bimbos when it’s a one-time thing but I am not enjoying writing dialogue for a lot of chapters to come with dumbed down dialogue. I like when Timmi keeps her wits, everyone else can dumb down, no worries there xD We can make her sluttier though and her new needs may overpower her in the end. Still, her wits should keep being intact for now ^^.


May i suggest a fat Girl From some Girls Gossip over another Girl. Girls Always call each other fat so make it a Sideline Thing.


I'm not into weight gain TFs + I don't really draw fat girls so I have to pass on that suggestion, sorry ^^

qwerpyblah (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-01 07:12:52 I meant to write this all up months ago so since this is super last minute it might be a bit rough, I'll spruce it up more later if needed; contains both N and PP Timmi starts heading off to her next class when she remembers with dread who she's sharing that class with, Tootie and Remy Buxaplenty, however she realizes she has no choice but to go to class and just hope for the best as she arrives at the class she takes her seat which is right next to Tootie's, and soon enough Tootie arrives as well and the two start conversing and Timmi soon realizes something has changed in Tootie's demeanor, she's still clearly crushing on Timmi as hard as she was when she was a guy but it's more controlled and much less oppressive which makes hanging with Tootie a lot more enjoyable, soon enough they're just chatting and with her guard lowered soon enough the conversation starts heading in directions that results in the Necklace activating, Timmi probably gets some slight alterations from this(like maybe her curves get a slight boost or her lips get more plump or her outfit gets even more girly) but the changes mostly focus on Tootie, causing her to turn from a nerdy beanpole in her usual outfit, to a fashionable bombshell who rivals Trixie & Veronica in both curves and fashion sense(thinking her new style would essentially be a more sexy version of one of the outfits Tootie's live action version wore in the first live action FOP movie, too lazy to dig it up right now but I can fish it up later), Timmi is still not very happy with the sexually charged nature of how the necklace alters people but she can't deny that the altered Tootie seems both happier and more confident(and thinks that maybe once she can get Cosmo & Wanda to fix this mess that maybe she'll not fully revert Tootie back to normal) after this the teacher starts the class and soon enough pairs everyone up for a project, much to Timmi's worry she gets paired with Remy, that worry soon turns to shock when Remy reveals that he's aware that something is altering reality and remembers the original one perfectly including that Timmi was once Timmy, turns out shortly after Remy regained Juandissimo years ago Remy found out just how often other Godkids would make big reality altering wishes, Remy's paranoia regarding having his memories and/or sense of self altered(since he had already had his memories messed with the first time he had lost Juandissimo) in such a circumstance resulted in him making a set of wishes to protect himself from such things after Timmi explains what she knows of both Anti-Cosmo's alterations as well as the necklace and how it works to Remy, we see how Remy's protections react towards the necklace's attempts to alter reality when it involves him as other kids within the radius of the necklace's power gossip regarding him and Timmi(she might undergo a change or two as well but again probably relatively subtle ones compared to the last couple chapters), several comments that might have changed him physically or mentally in a way he wouldn't have liked(like say a jock calling him a rich sissy that would have normally resulted in the necklace turning him more feminine, or a girl thinking that him being rich must mean he's a weird pervert) outright fizzling out to no effect, while others he'd find acceptable(like some girls talking about him being a handsome hunk resulting in him getting taller and more beefy) do take effect on him, with Remy fully aware of it happening and revealing this is what makes his protections so effective, since he allows some changes to happen it means the magic the necklace works on isn't actively trying to break his protections either after this exposition the pair focus on working on their project, though it gets a bit awkward for Timmi as she realizes that Remy is rather hunky and since he's not pursuing their old rivalry is actually being rather charming, and Remy's definitely noticing how attractive a girl Timmi is, with there being some flirtiness between the pair as they finish up the project, they discuss what they can do next, Remy notes that Juandissimo isn't with him right now(off in Fairy World doing some errands) but that later in the evening once he's come back that they might drop by the Turner household and perhaps Remy and Juandissimo can fix things for Timmi(and if not they could always contact Jorgen as the nuclear option), and after one of them jokingly calls it a date both of them get flustered at the idea, with that class ends and it's time for Timmi to head home for the day* *this last part regarding school ending could be ignored but I think we've spent enough time at the school for now and a change of scenery could be nice
2022-08-24 10:33:38 I meant to write this all up months ago so since this is super last minute it might be a bit rough, I'll spruce it up more later if needed; contains both N and PP Timmi starts heading off to her next class when she remembers with dread who she's sharing that class with, Tootie and Remy Buxaplenty, however she realizes she has no choice but to go to class and just hope for the best as she arrives at the class she takes her seat which is right next to Tootie's, and soon enough Tootie arrives as well and the two start conversing and Timmi soon realizes something has changed in Tootie's demeanor, she's still clearly crushing on Timmi as hard as she was when she was a guy but it's more controlled and much less oppressive which makes hanging with Tootie a lot more enjoyable, soon enough they're just chatting and with her guard lowered soon enough the conversation starts heading in directions that results in the Necklace activating, Timmi probably gets some slight alterations from this(like maybe her curves get a slight boost or her lips get more plump or her outfit gets even more girly) but the changes mostly focus on Tootie, causing her to turn from a nerdy beanpole in her usual outfit, to a fashionable bombshell who rivals Trixie & Veronica in both curves and fashion sense(thinking her new style would essentially be a more sexy version of one of the outfits Tootie's live action version wore in the first live action FOP movie, too lazy to dig it up right now but I can fish it up later), Timmi is still not very happy with the sexually charged nature of how the necklace alters people but she can't deny that the altered Tootie seems both happier and more confident(and thinks that maybe once she can get Cosmo & Wanda to fix this mess that maybe she'll not fully revert Tootie back to normal) after this the teacher starts the class and soon enough pairs everyone up for a project, much to Timmi's worry she gets paired with Remy, that worry soon turns to shock when Remy reveals that he's aware that something is altering reality and remembers the original one perfectly including that Timmi was once Timmy, turns out shortly after Remy regained Juandissimo years ago Remy found out just how often other Godkids would make big reality altering wishes, Remy's paranoia regarding having his memories and/or sense of self altered(since he had already had his memories messed with the first time he had lost Juandissimo) in such a circumstance resulted in him making a set of wishes to protect himself from such things after Timmi explains what she knows of both Anti-Cosmo's alterations as well as the necklace and how it works to Remy, we see how Remy's protections react towards the necklace's attempts to alter reality when it involves him as other kids within the radius of the necklace's power gossip regarding him and Timmi(she might undergo a change or two as well but again probably relatively subtle ones compared to the last couple chapters), several comments that might have changed him physically or mentally in a way he wouldn't have liked(like say a jock calling him a rich sissy that would have normally resulted in the necklace turning him more feminine, or a girl thinking that him being rich must mean he's a weird pervert) outright fizzling out to no effect, while others he'd find acceptable(like some girls talking about him being a handsome hunk resulting in him getting taller and more beefy) do take effect on him, with Remy fully aware of it happening and revealing this is what makes his protections so effective, since he allows some changes to happen it means the magic the necklace works on isn't actively trying to break his protections either after this exposition the pair focus on working on their project, though it gets a bit awkward for Timmi as she realizes that Remy is rather hunky and since he's not pursuing their old rivalry is actually being rather charming, and Remy's definitely noticing how attractive a girl Timmi is, with there being some flirtiness between the pair as they finish up the project, they discuss what they can do next, Remy notes that Juandissimo isn't with him right now(off in Fairy World doing some errands) but that later in the evening once he's come back that they might drop by the Turner household and perhaps Remy and Juandissimo can fix things for Timmi(and if not they could always contact Jorgen as the nuclear option), and after one of them jokingly calls it a date both of them get flustered at the idea, with that class ends and it's time for Timmi to head home for the day* *this last part regarding school ending could be ignored but I think we've spent enough time at the school for now and a change of scenery could be nice

I meant to write this all up months ago so since this is super last minute it might be a bit rough, I'll spruce it up more later if needed; contains both N and PP Timmi starts heading off to her next class when she remembers with dread who she's sharing that class with, Tootie and Remy Buxaplenty, however she realizes she has no choice but to go to class and just hope for the best as she arrives at the class she takes her seat which is right next to Tootie's, and soon enough Tootie arrives as well and the two start conversing and Timmi soon realizes something has changed in Tootie's demeanor, she's still clearly crushing on Timmi as hard as she was when she was a guy but it's more controlled and much less oppressive which makes hanging with Tootie a lot more enjoyable, soon enough they're just chatting and with her guard lowered soon enough the conversation starts heading in directions that results in the Necklace activating, Timmi probably gets some slight alterations from this(like maybe her curves get a slight boost or her lips get more plump or her outfit gets even more girly) but the changes mostly focus on Tootie, causing her to turn from a nerdy beanpole in her usual outfit, to a fashionable bombshell who rivals Trixie & Veronica in both curves and fashion sense(thinking her new style would essentially be a more sexy version of one of the outfits Tootie's live action version wore in the first live action FOP movie, too lazy to dig it up right now but I can fish it up later), Timmi is still not very happy with the sexually charged nature of how the necklace alters people but she can't deny that the altered Tootie seems both happier and more confident(and thinks that maybe once she can get Cosmo & Wanda to fix this mess that maybe she'll not fully revert Tootie back to normal) after this the teacher starts the class and soon enough pairs everyone up for a project, much to Timmi's worry she gets paired with Remy, that worry soon turns to shock when Remy reveals that he's aware that something is altering reality and remembers the original one perfectly including that Timmi was once Timmy, turns out shortly after Remy regained Juandissimo years ago Remy found out just how often other Godkids would make big reality altering wishes, Remy's paranoia regarding having his memories and/or sense of self altered(since he had already had his memories messed with the first time he had lost Juandissimo) in such a circumstance resulted in him making a set of wishes to protect himself from such things after Timmi explains what she knows of both Anti-Cosmo's alterations as well as the necklace and how it works to Remy, we see how Remy's protections react towards the necklace's attempts to alter reality when it involves him as other kids within the radius of the necklace's power gossip regarding him and Timmi(she might undergo a change or two as well but again probably relatively subtle ones compared to the last couple chapters), several comments that might have changed him physically or mentally in a way he wouldn't have liked(like say a jock calling him a rich sissy that would have normally resulted in the necklace turning him more feminine, or a girl thinking that him being rich must mean he's a weird pervert) outright fizzling out to no effect, while others he'd find acceptable(like some girls talking about him being a handsome hunk resulting in him getting taller and more beefy) do take effect on him, with Remy fully aware of it happening and revealing this is what makes his protections so effective, since he allows some changes to happen it means the magic the necklace works on isn't actively trying to break his protections either after this exposition the pair focus on working on their project, though it gets a bit awkward for Timmi as she realizes that Remy is rather hunky and since he's not pursuing their old rivalry is actually being rather charming, and Remy's definitely noticing how attractive a girl Timmi is, with there being some flirtiness between the pair as they finish up the project, they discuss what they can do next, Remy notes that Juandissimo isn't with him right now(off in Fairy World doing some errands) but that later in the evening once he's come back that they might drop by the Turner household and perhaps Remy and Juandissimo can fix things for Timmi(and if not they could always contact Jorgen as the nuclear option), and after one of them jokingly calls it a date both of them get flustered at the idea, with that class ends and it's time for Timmi to head home for the day* *this last part regarding school ending could be ignored but I think we've spent enough time at the school for now and a change of scenery could be nice


some might think the stuff with Remy might be a bit odd, but I think things have been a bit too smooth regarding Anti-Cosmo's plans, and bringing in someone who's partially immune to the magic he's using and has potential access to fairy magic as well and thus complicate Anti-Cosmo's plans is exactly what is needed, not to mention it adds a bit of hope for Timmi so it's not just her endlessly getting dunked on by Anti-Cosmo and the Necklace(which would honestly get a bit depressing if we kept having a constant downward decline for her like that)

Cole jones

I kinda like the tootie stuff but two things I think should go different first I think remy should be changed to a girl at some point maybe a rich bitch kinda girl with implants to give her curves maybe chester changes him into this later. And two I think after chapter 5 there should be one more chapter in school just because with all these students there it's the perfect place to get characters changed.


Nothing against that idea! Still, I think the necklace and Anti Cosmo are too powerful to simply get overwritten with wishes granted by Juandissimo or Jorgen. Not a fan of Remy but that's because of his attitude, if that changes around her I am totally on board for the idea ^^ A lot of my stories end in bad ends, sorry if that's depressing. I got an idea how to outwit AC tho. Either Timmi finds remains of the "magic muffin" that grants wishes not bound by "da Rulez" or another year passes where Timmi didn't reveal his godparents to anyone and she gets a new one and uses it bite for bite to outwit AC at the end. I still think that they should stay in school for a little longer but that's just me ^^ We'll see how it works out! I'll add it to the poll!