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The transformations depicted are happening in full consent. Every sort of resistence is mere roleplay I depict as a fetish.

Ongoing stuff:

Project Overview

Hey there!

I just now realize that I almost never draw in-depth sex scenes which may be the reason that those pages take even longer than the previous ones ^^ I think the most complicated stuff is already behind us :)

I also began working on the Patreon Sketchdump but because I fell asleep right after my alarm clock rang this morning I overslept and barely had any time left to do anything before I had to cook lunch. My bad!

I think I will prepare all the rough sketches for the Patreon Sketchdump and do a cleanup stream on the 21st after the suggestion deadline to get all of them done at once :)

I really want to finish all the sketches and in the best-case scenario finish page 36 before I focus on the monthly fanart and sequence but it could be a rather close call as usual.

Have a nice day and stay safe everyone!


Big thanks to Jake for pledging for the WIP Tier! Your support means a lot and I hope you enjoy your stay and the content I post on here! :)



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