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Storyboard Progress

Script used: 15%

Current page count: 3

The transformations depicted are happening in full consent. Every sort of resistence is mere roleplay I depict as a fetish.

Ongoing stuff:

Editable script file for TACS 2 - Chapter 4

Project Overview

Hey there!

I finished the rough sketches for this month's sequence! There is still a lot of cleaning up to do but I still hope you like it so far! :)

Didn't have enough time for anything else though. I might sketch a few page storyboards for chapter 4 tomorrow morning while enjoying a coffee.

With all the roughs done I can finally get back to streaming daily! Can't wait to work on those projects on stream :)

Also sorry for the late post (at least for my European members ^^;) Relaxed a little longer with my gf today.

I hope you all have a nice remaining weekend, stay safe and see ya all on Moday! :)


Big thanks to SkullGameOn, Gravytrain and Armadon for pledging for the WIP Tier and KID and Sean Doyle for pledging for the Poll Tier! All of your support means a lot! Welcome back to some of you! I hope you all enjoy your stay!



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