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I really want to have an additional force that's changing things around even more. Chester would fit that role perfectly because he turned into a pervert and is on a current high after he had his "titfuck" session with Timmi in chapter 4.

Of course Chester doesn't know what the necklace does so it would fit that we have a scene with him in chapter 5 where something he says becomes true before his eyes. It would also unlock way more possibilities for scenarios because while Timmi is extremely careful not to trigger any changes and Anti Cosmo only messes with Timmi's reality when he gets a laugh out of it we got a pervert who only changes and acts to satisfy his needs and acts completely on his own with no way of stopping him for now.

It would also allow for more exotic or drastic changes because his changes can be perverted desires of his that don't need any logic nor are they based on insults and stuff someone says which gets incredibly hard later on to do any changes with.

He may get too greedy someday, looses his necklace and may turn into Chesty, who knows ;) "She" may be aware of any changes happening to her and Timmi as well because she had a look behind the curtain. (I really don't want him to become the king of the world and abuse his powers forever because that would get stale someday, but a force that could mess stuff up for a couple of chapters sounds nice)



I argue that Timmy getting a necklace is enough,


The changes Chester makes get suggested by Patrons as well, so there never is too much happening due to only one/two suggestions making it into the comic per chapter. But I get where you're coming from ^^


I'd say no, but if he does I'd rather it not be anything directed at Timmi, at least once he figures out what the necklace does. It's notable that (so far) nothing Timmi said about herself has activated the necklace, so I could see the users being immune to self change or changes of other necklace users.