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The transformations depicted are hapenning in full consent. Every sort of resistence is mere roleplay I depict as a fetish.

Ongoing stuff:

- Comic Poll #3 - Voting Phase: Because Timmy turned into Timmantha during sports she finds herself in the girls locker room. What happens next? [Deadline: once we reached page 35]

- Project Overview

Hey there!

I managed to keep my promise! I even finished a little bit of the lineart for the fanart XD

I got more time to work on my stuff tomorrow, I hope I finally get to work on the Patreon Sketches, I need to get them done soon because the end of the month is a bit busy in RL (orchestra stuff).

I also finally got a reply from HUION support which suspect (according to the footage I provided) that the pen only stops working in a certain area. I fear that the pen display itself may be damaged. Let's hope that that is not the case, but there might be a chance to write that new pen display off my taxes lol

I will ask their questions and provide more footage until we are certain what's the problem. Keep ya posted in case something new comes up. I am glad that I still got this old pen display, else I couldn't provide you with any digital content lol

Hope you like the progress so far!

Have a nice day and stay safe!


Big thanks to Mathias Marais, Blackout, Alexia J and Olmo Ponzetto for pledging for the WIP Tier and FAZZLLY, Samuel Kreuzer und Klaus Müller for pledging for the Poll Tier! All of your support helps out immensely! I hope you (continue to) enjoy your stay on here! :)




Oh I hope we get to see Ann possibles phat milf pussy dripping with need.