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Update 4:

Final update of the day.

Didn't find a solution so I contacted the support again. May take a few days until we get a solution...or the recommendation to buy a new pen lol

In the meantime I will revert back to traditional methods and sketch out the Ann Possible MILF Sequence in my sketchbook tomorrow. I will also use my GFs pen display again until the issue is fixed.

Sorry for the inconvenience, I hate technological issues.



Update 3:

Okay, I'm trying to reinstall Clip Studio Paint, could be that a Windows Update messed stuff up. My pen works fine in other programs, that's what it looks like at least so I hope that reinstalling Clip Studio helps because I can't revert the Widows Update.


Update 2:

Okay, seems like my old pen was really broken, even after soldering it it still didn't work. I have to run a few more tests, test out different drivers, test out if it's only a problem in CSP and if nothing helps I maybe have to disassemble my newest pen. I really don't trust my soldering skills though...


Update 1:

Disassembled the old pen and lo and behold, one cable was separated from its solder joint. I picked the old one on purpose to not ruin my newer one in case something goes wrong lol

Well, now I just have to wait to borrow the solder iron which will be around 3:30 pm, I'll try my best to draw something with the partially working pen in the meantime


I noticed that my pen was stuttering while I sketched the rough sketches for the monthly fanart.

I sat down this morning to work on more Patreon Sketches and noticed that the stutter grew more severe. I bought a new pen in December because it died down, but I don't have the time to claim warranty for this one nor have the time to wait till August till a replacement arrives from China lol

I will disassemble it later today and see if the two cables are still attached to the solder joints. Let's hope that that's the issue so I can just solder them again.

If not we might have another problem at hand.


Finn the Human

This might be just me trying to add comedic effect to something thing like this DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNN Update Edit: You remind me of my brother who opens up stuff and fixes then with soldering irons like the PS4 remote, lol my other brother has quite the temper and that's why we kept running low on controllers XD


I dropped my old pen quite a lot, that's why the cable is loose. I haven't dropped my new one though...I have to check what's inside once my old pen works again (hopefully) XD