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Google drive got already updated! 

The transformations depicted are hapenning in full consent. Every sort of resistence is mere roleplay I depict as a fetish.

Ongoing stuff:

- Monthly Colored Sketches (Suggestion Thread) [Deadline: July 4th, 2pm CEST] 

- Monthly Sequence Poll (Suggestion Thread) [Deadline: July 8th, 2pm CEST] 

- Monthly Fanart Poll (Suggestion Thread) [Deadline: July 8th, 2pm CEST] 

โ— Comic Poll #3 - Suggestion Phase: Because Timmy turned into Timmantha during sports she finds herself in the girls locker room. What happens next? [Deadline: TOMORROW!]

- Project Overview

Hey there!

Instead of focusing on two projects today I decided to fully concentrate on finishing page 23 of the Altering Curse :) Managed to finish it just in time ^^

This is the 11th page of Chapter 3 which means that we reached the halfway mark. I will close the suggestion thread for the Comic Poll tomorrow :) The Poll itself will be posted after I collected all the suggestions and organized them ^^

Have a nice day everyone and stay safe!


Big thanks to grimitrolos for updating your pledge to the new price and Bree for pledging for the Poll Tier! Your support is very much appreciated and I hope both of you continue to enjoy your stay on here :)



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