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Ongoing stuff:

- My Hero Corruptions: In which style/medium should I finalise these concepts?

- Monthly Sequence Poll (Suggestion Thread) [Deadline: June 8th]

- Monthly Fanart Poll (Suggestion Thread) [Deadline: June 8th]

- Comic Poll #3 - Suggestion Phase: Because Timmy turned into Timmantha during sports she finds herself in the girls locker room. What happens next? [Deadline: Once I am finished with 11 of 23 pages]

- Project Overview

Hey there!

Almost done! Just some skin shading and lighty blurred cell shading for the foreground characters and I'm done with the page ^^ I think I'll focus on finishing the Blake Belladonna Reality Rewrite after page 19 and move onto page 20 as soon as it's done :)

Hope you like it so far!


Big thanks to BehemothShadow, Shshs Hshshsnsn and Vivi Klug for pledging for the WIP Tier and Bsajoshua1 for pledging for the Poll Tier! All of your support means a lot and I hope you all enjoy your stay and the content I post on here :)



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