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Ongoing stuff:

- Comic Poll #3 - Suggestion Phase: Because Timmy turned into Timmantha during sports she finds herself in the girls locker room. What happens next? [Deadline: Once I am finished with 11 of 23 pages]

- Project Overview

Hey there!

I seem to forget everytime that I don't have that much time on mondays. I will stream tomorrow and just try to get everything done till Friday, wish me luck!

Sketched a little Timmantha sketch as compensation, while I was watching the dog.

Hope you all have a nice day!


Big thanks to jordan hagemann for pledging for the Generous WIP Tier and Dalton J Alexander for pledging for the Poll Tier! Both of your support means a lot and I hope you enjoy your stay :)



Bal tha mele

Yayyyyyyy! Big Timmantha boobies 😍😍😍

GooPop (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 15:47:44 You should totally finish that sketch, it looks too good not too >.>
2021-04-27 02:04:46 You should totally finish that sketch, it looks too good not too >.>

You should totally finish that sketch, it looks too good not too >.>


Finished the colored outlines for this sketch this morning as a warmup, will color it for tomorrow's warmup :)