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The transformations depicted are hapenning in full consent. Every sort of resistence is mere roleplay I depict as a fetish.

Ongoing stuff:

- Comic Poll #3 - Suggestion Phase: Because Timmy turned into Timmantha during sports she finds herself in the girls locker room. What happens next? [Deadline: Once I am finished with 11 of 23 pages]

- Project Overview

Hey there!

Because of grocery shopping and taking care of some healthcare stuff my time was cut short again ^^; Still did a stream though! I managed to finish the first page of the 200 Patron special and began my work on the lineart of page 2. I almost made no progress on that page but if I can get back to the pace I had yesterday I think page 2 could get done tomorrow (or not) :)

I still don't like that gifs have only a limited amount of colors they can display resulting in some noisy imagery, still have to look into that matter and see if I can make them look better ^^

Hope you like the progress so far!

Have a nice day and stay safe,


