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Ongoing stuff:

- Monthly Sequence Poll (Suggestion Thread) [Deadline: April 8th, 1pm CEST]

- Monthly Fanart Poll (Suggestion Thread) [Deadline: April 8th, 1pm CEST]

- Comic Poll #3 - Suggestion Phase: Because Timmy turned into Timmantha during sports she finds herself in the girls locker room. What happens next? [Deadline: Once I am finished with 11 of 23 pages]

- Project Overview

Hey there!

It's kinda late over here, this page took a bit longer as usual lol...maybe because of the establishing shot in panel 1 ^^

I keep it short: I'll continue my work on the Ty Lee Comic tomorrow and do that until it's finished :)


Big thanks to 11nords for pledging for the Poll Tier! Your support means a lot and I hope you enjoy your stay! :)



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