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First of all: Nothing is set in stone yet but...

...I'm talking about it because it’s worrying me.

I don’t know how many of you heard of that Article but if you haven’t heard from it a quick glimpse at Patreon’s (and most likely every major platform’s) POV:

“What does change with Article 13 is that Patreon will now also be ‘on the hook’ for any and all works our creators upload to our site. That means that Patreon will have to be more proactive about the potentially infringing works we do or do not allow on our site.
The way the law works currently is that Patreon does not have an obligation to proactively review our site for copyright infringement. Instead, Patreon is safe from liability as long as we act expeditiously to remove any potentially infringing works once put on notice of their existence on our platform. Article 13 makes platforms liable whether they are put on notice or not, which means most platforms will begin implementing proactive screening of the works they choose to allow on their services.”

Which may be the “worst case scenario”

Why am I mentioning this, well, all of my perks like the “Monthly Fanart” the “Monthly Sequence”, Sketches and the Colored Sketches I do monthly are mostly fanart based. My whole Patreon and my art outside of that is based on the works of other people. It’s not that I don’t have any ideas, I just love doing fanart and drawing TF artwork focusing on those characters I enjoy. (And I would be sad if I can't do it anymore)

If it really turns out as bad as some people think I have to act accordingly to not lose my only source of income.

I can’t come up with solutions right now because it’s still vague how platforms will act when the laws are finalized.

I could stop tagging art I post, or post a small preview or only a text post informing you that I send you the reward per mail or a link to a google drive (if that’s not violating the law as well lol) Maybe I can continue to post normally as long as it’s a “parody” or "transformative work".

Important to notice is, that I will adjust the perks when fanart isn't an option anymore, we would have to go for original characters or characters I have the permission to draw instead of copyrighted characters.

If that’s not enough I would have to stop doing fanart content and start working on my own stories and characters. It’s really messing with my head because I think people only support me for the fanart I do. I just wanted to make this poll to ask who would be willing to stay and who would leave when it comes to a “worst case scenario”.

I might just be panicking or overreacting, maybe it’s not that bad as I think it is but I still want clarity about who would stay and who would leave to finally get that issue out of my mind.

Sorry for bothering you, everything will continue like usual until Patreon and other platforms inform me if or how much it may affect my work.




Wasn't this done a year ago?


It went through in 2019, after that the EU parliament gave the countries 24 months to come up with ways how they can implement those copyright protections. Which means that they have to bring something to the table around June/July I believe. After that we'll have to wait and see how platforms will act. As I said, maybe I am panicking over nothing.


The fanart is quite lovely, and it does mean something extra to me in a way because I can identify with the characters. I would argue you haven't given us a chance to identify with your own characters because while they do come up, it is very sparingly. I would be quite sad if you couldn't do fanart stuff but I think it would also be very interesting to see your "forced" roster of OC's come to light given this predicament. We might not identify with them right away but we identify with the fanart because we got to know them over time. Perhaps its time you let us get to know your characters better.


copyright laws are the friggin worst. They weren't meant to be abused by corporations. They were meant to protect individuals. I really hope no major action in taken here. For a lot of reasons. My support is here as long as you continue to make quality work. If it has to be OC's then I'll just have to hope the tf's and story keep me interested. The biggest hurdle will just be establishing a character's base personality. The TF's don't mean as much to me if I don't know where they started from if that makes sense.


i wonder if you can use a VPN to bypass it and tell them you are in a different country like the us